
College of Business Administration :

Business Management students are assigned to the specialization in the following majors after passing the two foundation years:


A) Majors available at the end of the two foundation years of the program:                                                           



4-Financial Economics

B)   Controls of specialization of qualified students:

1-Pass all foundation years courses.

2-Qualified students will be assigned to the specialization in the first and summer semesters according to the specialization indicators in the second semester of the past year.

C) Screening mechanism for majors in the College of Business Administration College :

Automatic and competitive preference shall be made between all students qualified for the specialization in the following order:

1-Order of the student's desires.

2-Capacity of different departments.

3-Cumulative grade of the two foundation years

4-Composite ratio for admission (30% of secondary school certificate+ 30% “Qudurat" abilities test +40% “Tahsili" achievement test) when the average grade is equal .

Important Note:

- The cumulative grade does not include the courses which the student has studied outside the plan f or the College of Business Administration.

-  If that the qualified student for specialization does not enter her desired specialization via the academic system, she will be assigned according to the available seats.

Controls for Calculating the Cumulative Grade for Students of the Two Foundation Years of the College of Business Administration:

Either the (Pass/ Fail without a Grade) or the (A +, A, B +, B, ...) systems will be applied for each course if the grading system chosen falls in the interest of the student and serves her Cumulative Grade, in addition to failed courses (< 60) indicated as (Fail without a Grade), which will not be included in the GPA. Where a GPA is unavailable, the student can choose one of the following options:

GPA and grades are calculated via the (A +, A, B +, B, ...) system for all courses; OR (Pass/ Fail without a Grade) system will be applied to all courses, in addition to failed courses indicated as (Fail without a Grade) in both options, which will not be included in the GPA.  

The Foundation Year for Health Colleges

A).Available Majors at the end of the foundation year in Health Colleges: ​

-----Medicine and surgeryCollege of Medicine
-----Oral Medicine and surgeryCollege of Dentistry
-----Doctor of Pharmacy

College Of Pharmacy


Physical therapyRehabilitation Sciences

College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences


(according to the available departments annually)

Occupational therapyHealth Communication Sciences    
Disorders of language, speech, and swallowing
Hearing and balance
Health EducationHealth Sciences      
Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Psychology
Diagnostic X-rayRadiological Sciences    
Nuclear medicine techniques
X-ray Therapy

Nursing Sciences


College of Nursing


B). Controls of specialization of the foundation year students for health colleges :

1-Pass all the foundation year courses during the four semesters from the date of the student's registration in the university, including the postponed courses.

2-The student must obtain a cumulative grade at least (4) to join the College of Medicine and the College of Dentistry, and not less (3) in the remaining health colleges.

3-Availability of seats at health colleges programs.

4-Qualified students will be assigned to the specialization in the first and summer semesters according to the specialization indicators in the second semester in the past year.

C). Conditions required for the specialization of foundation year students in the College of Dentistry program :




DentistryPass the personal interview

English language



 French language

English Literature


English Literature


Applied Linguistics


Applied Linguistics


D). Preference Criteria for Health Colleges programs, except the College of Dentistry:

Automatic and competitive preference shall be made between all students qualified for specialization in the following order:

1-Order of the student's desires .

 2-Composite ratio (50% of the cumulative grade of the 1st semester for the scientific courses excluding (ENG 104), (IC 101) + 20% of the cumulative grade of the 2nd semester for the scientific courses excluding (IC 202), and (Arab 101) + 30 % of the composite ratio for admission in health colleges).

3-Cumulative grade of the foundation year (when the cumulative grade mentioned in Point 2 is equal).

4-Composite ratio for admission in health colleges: the total of (30% of secondary school certificate + 30% abilities test + 40% achievement test), (when the cumulative grade of the foundation year mentioned in Point 3 is equal) .

5-Seats are determined according to the capacity of different programs.

E). Preference Criteria and nomination mechanism for College of Dentistry:

A-Nomination mechanism for the competence test of the Dentistry Program:

1-Automatic and competitive preference between students whose first or second desires are the College of Dentistry according to the Composite (50% of the cumulative grade of the 1st semester for the scientific courses excluding (ENG 104), (IC 101) + 20% of the cumulative grade of the 2nd semester for the scientific courses excluding (IC 202), and (Arab 101) + 30 % of the composite ratio for admission in health colleges) .

2-(60) Students are nominated for personal interview by the Deanship of Admission and Registration.

3-The date of the personal interview is scheduled by agreement between the College of Dentistry and the Deanship of Admission and Registration.

4-In case of the student's failure to attend the personal interview for any reason, the student loses the right to enter the preference process and shall be deemed as having failed it.

F).Preference Criteria for Oral Medicine and surgery program :

1-Order of the student's desires .

2-Composite ratio (70% of the cumulative grade of the foundation year*+30% of the personal interview's degree)

3-Cumulative grade of the foundation year (when the cumulative grade mentioned in Point 2 is equal).

4-Seats are determined according to the capacity of different programs.

* Composite ratio of the foundation year is : (50% for the Cumulative grade of the 1st semester for the scientific courses excluding the following courses (ENG 104), (IC 101)+20% for the Cumulative grade of the 2nd semester for the scientific courses excluding the following courses (IC 202), and (Arab 101) + 30 % of the composite ratio for admission in health colleges).

Transfer to Mainstream Colleges:

Students of the Foundation Year of Health Colleges are transferred to mainstream colleges in the following cases:

1-If the student fails to pass all the courses of the Foundation Year during four semesters from the student's date of registration in the university, including postponed courses.

2-if the student obtained Cumulative grade less (3) .

3-If the student fails to fulfil special specialization requirements (if any).

4-Lack of seats at the available health colleges.

Important Note:

The foundation year grade for students joining the health colleges program does not include the courses which the student has studied outside the foundation year plan for the health colleges.

If that the qualified student for specialization does not enter her desired specialization to the academic system, she will be assigned according to the available seats.​

Controls for Calculating the Cumulative Grade for Foundation Year Students of Health Colleges:

The general grading system (A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, ...) is used for all Foundation Year courses. In case of failing a course, failure shall be calculated as (Fail without a Grade) and shall not be included in the cumulative grade.

A student wishing to postpone a semester shall be granted the opportunity until Thursday 30 Sha'ban 1441AH , 23 April 2020AD ,Where a Cumulative Grade is unavailable, the aforementioned criteria will be applied.

College of Engineering

Foundation year and specialization mechanism for the College of Engineering

A). Majors availaElectrical Engineering (Communications Engineering).

1. Electrical Engineering(Electronic Engineering).

2. Industrial ble at the end of the foundation year of the program:

3. Engineering and Systems.

B). Controls of specialization in the College of Engineering:

Pass all the foundation year courses during the four semesters from the date of the student's registration in the university, including the postponed courses.

The student must obtain a cumulative grade of at least (3) in the foundation year

Qualified students will be assigned to the specialization in the first and summer semester according to the specialization indicators in the second semester of the past year.

C) Screening mechanism for majors in the College of Engineering:

Screening shall be done through automatic and competitive preference between all qualified students in the following order:

1-Order of the student's desires.

2-Capacity of different departments.

3-The average grade of scientific points for the following courses: (Math 101, Phys 102, Aal 110, Phys 103, Math 103, Chem103).

4-When the average grade of scientific points stated in Point 3 is equal .

5-Composite ratio for admission (30% of secondary school certificate+ 30% “Qudurat" abilities test +40% “Tahsili" achievement test) when the average grade of scientific points stated in Point 4 is equal .

6-Seats are determined according to the capacity of different programs.

Transfer to another College:

Students of the foundation year at the College of Engineering are transferred to other colleges according to the announced transfer requirements in the following cases:

1-If the student fails to pass all the courses of the Foundation Year during four semesters from the student's date of registration in the university, including postponed courses.

2-if the student obtained Cumulative grade less than (3) .

Important Note:

The foundation year grade does not include the courses which the student has studied outside the plan for College of Engineering.

If that the qualified student for specialization does not enter her desired specialization via the academic system, she will be assigned according to the available seats.

assigned according to the available seats.


Controls for Calculating the Cumulative Grade for Foundation Year Students of College of Engineering:

The general grading system (A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, ...) is used for all Foundation Year courses. In case of failing a course, failure shall be calculated as (Fail without a Grade) and shall not be included in the cumulative grade.

A student wishing to postpone a semester shall be granted the opportunity until Thursday 30 Sha'ban 1441AH , 23 April 2020AD ,Where a Cumulative Grade is unavailable, the aforementioned criteria will be applied.

College of Arts and Design

A). Majors available at the end of the foundation year of the program:   

1. The Graphic Design and Digital Media .

2. The Fashion and Textile Design .

3. Interior Design .

4. Visual Arts Department then the students will be assigned to one of the following majors : ( Painting photography, Printmaking,Sculpture) .

5. Product design n

B). Controls of specialization of the foundation year students for College of Arts and Design :

1. Pass all the foundation year courses during the four semesters including the postponed courses.

2. if the student obtained Cumulative grade less (3) .

 C) Screening mechanism for majors in the College of Arts and Design:

Screening shall be done through automatic and competitive preference between all qualified students in the following order:

1-Order of the student's desires.

2-The Cumulative Grade for the Foundation Year courses of the College of Arts and Design (Specialization courses) .

3-Cumulative grade of the foundation year (when the cumulative grade of the foundation year mentioned in Point 2 is equal).

4-Composite ratio for admission (50% of secondary school certificate+ 25% “Qudurat" abilities test +25% “Tahsili" achievement test) (when the cumulative grade of the foundation year mentioned in Point 3 is equal).

5-Seats are determined according to the capacity of different programs

Transfer to another College:

Students of the foundation year at the College of Arts and Design

are transferred to other colleges according to the announced transfer requirements in the following cases:

1-If the student fails to pass all the courses of the Foundation Year during four semesters from the student's date of registration in the university, including postponed courses.

2-if the student obtained Cumulative grade less than (3) .

Important Note:

The foundation year grade does not include the courses which the student has studied outside the plan for College of Arts and Design.

If that the qualified student for specialization does not enter her desired specialization via the academic system, she will be assigned according to the available seats.



Controls for Calculating the Cumulative Grade for Foundation Year Students of College of Arts and Design:

 The general grading system (A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, ...) is used for all Foundation Year courses. In case of failing a course, failure shall be calculated as (Fail without a Grade) and shall not be included in the cumulative grade.

A student wishing to postpone a semester shall be granted the opportunity until Thursday 30 Sha'ban 1441 AH , 23 April 2020 AD, Where a Cumulative

College of Languages

Foundation semester and specialization mechanism for the College of Languages :

A). Majors available at the end of the foundation year of the program:




Management Sciences


​ ​



Office Management





Computer Sciences an IT

​ ​
Web Design
Information Technology

B). Controls of specialization of the foundation semester students for College of Languages :

1.Pass all the foundation semester courses .

2.Qualified students will be assigned to the specialization in the second and summer semesters according to the specialization indicators in the first semester in the academic year.

 C) Screening mechanism for the College sections :

Screening shall be done through automatic and competitive preference between all qualified students in the following order:

1-Order of the student's desires.

2-The capacity .

3-The Cumulative Grade for the foundation semester .

4-Composite ratio for admission (when the cumulative grade mentioned in Point 3 is equal).

Important Note:

The Cumulative Grade for the foundation semester does not include the courses which the student has studied outside the plan for College of Languages .

If that the qualified student for specialization does not enter her desired specialization via the academic system, she will be assigned according to the available seats.

Controls for Calculating the Cumulative Grade for Foundation Year Students of College of Languages:

The general grading system (A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, ...) is used for all Foundation Year courses. In case of failing a course, failure shall be calculated as (Fail without a Grade) and shall not be included in the cumulative grade.

A student wishing to postpone a semester shall be granted the opportunity until Thursday 30 Sha'ban 1441 AH , 23 April 2020 AD ,Where a Cumulative Grade is unavailable, the aforementioned criteria will be applied.

College of Community

Foundation semester and specialization mechanism for the College of Community:

A). Majors available at the end of the foundation year of the program:

B). Controls of specialization of the foundation semester students for College of Community:

1.Pass all the foundation semester courses or the failure hours shall not be more than 10 hours .

2.Qualified students will be assigned to the specialization in the second and summer semesters according to the specialization indicators in the first semester in the academic year.

C). Screening mechanism for the College sections :

Mechanism and conditionsMajorSection


Screening shall be done through automatic and competitive preference between all qualified students in the following order:

  1. 1-Order of the student's desires.               
  2. 2-The capacity .                                                
  3. 3-The Cumulative Grade for the foundation semester .   
  4. 4-Composite ratio for admission (when the   cumulative grade mentioned in Point 3 is equal). Conditions :

The student must have secondary school certificate (scientific or Arts).




Management Sciences




​ ​

Screening shall be done through automatic and competitive preference between all qualified students in the following order:

1.Order of the student's desires.

2.The capacity .

3.The Cumulative Grade for the foundation semester .

4.Composite ratio for admission (when the cumulative grade mentioned in Point 3 is equal)


Office Management


Screening shall be done through automatic and competitive preference between all qualified students in the following order:

1.Order of the student's desires.

2.The capacity .

3.The Cumulative Grade for the foundation semester .

4.Composite ratio for admission (when the cumulative grade mentioned in Point 3 is equal).


​ ​



Computer Sciences and IT

Web Design
Information Technology

Important Note:

-The Cumulative Grade for the foundation semester does not include the courses which the student has studied outside the plan for College of Community.

-If that the qualified student for specialization does not enter her desired specialization via the academic system, she will be assigned according to the available seats.

Controls for Calculating the Cumulative Grade for Foundation Year Students of Community :

The general grading system (A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, ...) is used for all Foundation Year courses. In case of failing a course, failure shall be calculated as (Fail without a Grade) and shall not be included in the cumulative grade.

A student wishing to postpone a semester shall be granted the opportunity until Thursday 30 Sha'ban 1441 AH , 23 April 2020 AD Where a Cumulative Grade is unavailable, the aforementioned criteria will be applied.

College of Geography

Mechanism for allocating female students of the Department of Geography in the College of Arts

Majors available in the Department of Geography:

-Environmental Geography.

- Geographical information systems and remote sensing.

Regulations for allocating female students of geography:

Completion of no less than (20) academic units of specialization courses

Sorting Mechanism for Specializations in the Department of Geography:

The sorting is done by automatic and competitive comparison between all female students, according to the following order:

1. Arrange your desires.

2. The carrying capacity of the different departments.

3. The GPA.

4 Composite ratio for admission (when the cumulative grade mentioned in Point 3 is equal).

Important notes

The calculation of the GPA for the allocation of female students does not include the courses taught by the female student outside the geography department plan

In the event that the student who qualifies for specialization does not enter her desires through the academic system, she will be allocated according to the available seats above.

Controls for calculating the cumulative average for allocation students in the college of Arts, Department of Geography:

Apply a system (successful without a degree / failure without a degree) for each course if it is in the interest of the student and serves its cumulative average, or apply the approved estimates system (A +, A, B +, B, ...) for each course if it is in the interest of the student and serves its cumulative average, with Monitoring the degree of failure (less than 60) with a grade of (failing without a degree) and does not include the calculation of the cumulative average, and when there is no cumulative average for the student: the student chooses between (either) calculating her cumulative average and monitoring the grades according to the approved estimates system (A +, A, B +, B, C +, C, ..., D) for all courses (or) to which a system (successful without degree / failure without degree) applies to all courses, with failures monitored in both options with an estimate (failure without grade) and not included

Results of female students allocation for the second semester of the academic year 1441 AH.

Communication regarding allocating at:

Email: Pys@pnu.edu.sa

Phone: 0118243493, 0118243419