​​​​ Transfer from one college to another within the university and from one major to another within the same college.

Transfer from one department to another or from one college to another

Transferring from one major to another within the university is an academic procedure established by the university for students who are unable to complete their academic career in their initially accepted major, due to academic reasons or because it does not align with their interests, or due to failure to meet the requirements at the time of specialization.

Transfer Application deadlines: Transfer requests are submitted through the internal transfer service in the academic system. This service is only available during the specified period in the academic calendar, and no requests will be accepted outside this service.

Steps to submit the transfer application: (click here)

Transfer regulations:

1. The student must adhere to the announced transfer deadlines, and no transfer request outside the specified period will be considered.

2. The student must have spent at least one semester in the major from which she wishes to transfer.​

3. Transfer is available to students according to the following schedule:

Stage  Transfer Regulations
Bachelor's Degree in Scientific and Humanities Colleges

Transfer to the fifth level provided that the student has not exceeded two years beyond the standard duration of study (excluding postponement, withdrawal, and absence semesters).


Bachelor's Degree in Health Colleges

Transfer to the sixth level provided that the student has not exceeded two years beyond the standard duration of study (excluding postponement, withdrawal, and absence semesters).


Bachelor's Degree in Human Medicine and DentistryTransfer to the third year (including the foundation year) provided that the student has not completed more than 3 years of the standard study duration (excluding postponement and absence semesters).
DiplomaTransfer to the third level provided that the student has not completed one year or more beyond the standard duration of study (excluding postponement, withdrawal, and absence semesters).


4. The student is entitled to transfer only once during her academic career.

5. Selection among transfer applicants is based on available seats and college requirements.

6. Sorting is done according to the first choice, then the second, based on meeting the requirements.

7. If not interested in transferring except for one choice, the student should not list other choices.

8. Applications are sorted after the final exams, considering cumulative grades.

9. Submitting a transfer request does not guarantee acceptance.

10. The student must monitor her account to track the transfer execution.

11. Passing the personal interview for majors that require an interview.

Students that are ineligible for transfer:

1)      Did not meet the transfer requirements for the desired major.

2)      Have not studied in the accepted major.

3)      Did not apply during the specified period.

4)      Academically or disciplinarily dismissed.

5)      Student who is deregistered 

6)      Have exhausted the allowed transfer years or exceeded the permitted level as per the above-mentioned table in point (3) of the transfer regulations from one college to another.

7)      Have previously transferred.

8)      Students of paid diploma programs.

9)      Transferred from outside the university.

10)   Student who is academically suspended.

To review the conditions for changing majors from one college to another for bachelor's and diploma students, click here.

To review the conditions for changing majors within the college for bachelor's and diploma students, click here.

For FAQs, click here.

 Equivalency after internal transfer between colleges:

1.    All completed hours by the student are included in her cumulative GPA.

2.   University requirements (courses taken by all university students regardless of college) are automatically equated from the academic system without the need for the student's request.

3.   Specialized courses taken by the student in her previous major are equated with equivalent courses in the new major automatically when they have the same code and name, or they are deemed equivalent to courses in the new major.

4.   Additional and different courses are equated according to the title as determined by the university's educational affairs agency.

5.   Some of the hours not equated in the new major are counted as free hours equal to the same number of free hours according to the student's transferred program.

6.   The transferred student must consult her academic advisor in her new major to follow up on her course equivalency and register suitable courses.

7.    The student is fully responsible for completing graduation requirements according to the plan she registered for in the transferred major.

Standard Duration: The student's study semesters in her previous major are counted in the standard duration necessary for graduation.
Honors: Course that the student failed before the transfer are counted when calculating honors.

 Financial bonus: The student's financial bonus is calculated from the first semester she was accepted into the university, according to the university's financial bonus system.

For inquiries and communication:

Email: transfer@pnu.edu.sa

Phone: 0118243222, 0118243461, 0118243474

Location: Deanship of Admission and Registration, Al-Nargis District (Airport Road), Administration Building, South Entrance (2), Parking Number (PO5).