General View:

In accordance with the Applied College's vision and mission, the College provides various of high quality academic

and professional programs that improve the graduates' skills and values, which prepare them to deal with global changes. 

It is considered one of the best in including a field training in all its programs, which gives the graduates a real experience to practice

all the theoretical content in the labor market. Moreover, the field training helps graduates to discover their strengths and weaknesses

in a real environment to develop themselves and get decent jobs. Additionally, it will provide the College

with a database about the graduates' levels, and a useful feedback on the effectiveness of its teaching plans

in meeting the labor market needs and requirements.

Field Training's Mission:

The Field Training focuses on developing the applied skills of the students by building a strong connection

between them and the College on the one hand, and between the College and the external training providers

on the other hand, which ensures graduates engagement in the labor market.

​Field Training's Goals:

  • Help students to gain the required skills for the labor market.

  • Give students a real chance to experience some functional roles in the workplace, and to get acquainted 

  • with administrative processes such as policies, rules and regulations, procedures, business models, programs, budgets,

  • and organizational structures.Improve the students' communication skills (oral and written skills), and help them

  •  gain the ability to deal with others in the workplace.Support the positive connection between the training providers

  •  and the academic supervisors, which gives a positive view about the College and its graduates.