The award committee is formed by a decision of the Dean of the College as an annual committee under the name of "The College of Education Award Committee for Excellence."


Tasks of the Committee

  • ​Receiving the files of applicants for the award and ensuring that the files meet the nomination requirements in accordance with the award criteria.

  • ​Evaluating the nominees' files in light of the selection criteria, and determining the winners in each award category.

  •  Recommending the names of the winners and passing them to the Dean of the College.

  • Submitting the evaluation results to the Dean of the College.

  • Studying and expressing opinion on all topics referred to the committee related to the award.

  • Determining the conditions and procedures for awarding the award.

  • Holding meetings to discuss developments and follow-up matters related to awarding the award; Provided that the meetings are documented in ad hoc minutes, and submitted to the Dean of the College for approval.

  • Presenting awareness-raising workshops on the award, its stages and criteria, using appropriate means.


Award application procedures​

Each candidate sends her nomination file to the award committee after completing all requirements.