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​  The College of Sciences was established with the approval of authority No. 3030/B. on 23 March 1428 to include the departments (mathematical sciences- physics- chemistry- biology) to prepare scientifically qualified resources.The College of Science is looking forward to updating its bachelor's degree programs to keep pace with recent scientific development in order to achieve competitive output in the labor market.​

Dean’s Message

​We do not need to emphasize that the College of Sciences is a fundamental part of any university as it is the source and center of scientific research. To it, minds are directed, and hearts are inclined. It is here that the world-class physicist, the researching chemist, and the skilled mathematician are graduated, not to mention the biologists, representing a wide-open field of energy. In light of this reality, many programs originating from the college's core objective adopt a modernization approach to keep pace with the job market. These programs are designed to produce graduates like clouds that generously bestow upon society benevolence, prosperity, contribution, and continual work. 

Dean of the College of Sciences​​,

Dr. Falwa bint Abdullah bin Ali bin Thaqfan.