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About The Academic Program

The program aims to qualify specialized academic, research, and professional cadres in the field. It offers a curriculum and thesis-based structure, with an exit point for a higher diploma in advanced biological sciences. The program includes three specialized tracks: Immunology Track Molecular and Cellular Biology Track Arthropod and Parasitology Track.


Advanced Biological Sciences

Language of instruction



2 Years

Academic degree

Master in Advanced Biological Sciences

Career opportunities

The program will provide graduates with academic, analytical and practical skills to help them in many professions such as academic staff in public and university education. Graduates will be given the choice to continue in scientific research, which qualifies them to become researchers, research assistants or technicians) in various fields such as universities, factory, laboratories and hospitals.

Nature and Goals of the Program

Training and preparing specialists in the field of life sciences and research that enhances sustainable development and provides solutions to societal issues through a high-quality educational program.

1 Fostering a high-quality learning environment in biological sciences
2 Preparing qualified graduates for the biology job market
3 Promoting scientific research and enhancing collaboration with local and international research institutions.
4 Providing graduates with skills that enable them to engage in various life sciences fields, including industry and research.

Arthropods and Parasitology Track Knowledge and understanding
K1 Understand the basic facts in the field of parasites and medical insects and its relationship to other biology disciplines
K2 Understand of general and basic theories, concepts and knowledge of parasitology and medical insects and their relationship to other disciplines
K3 Knowledge of laboratory procedures used in the field of parasites and medical insects, and full knowledge of safety rules in laboratories.
S1 Apply acquired skills and concepts to solve problems.
S2 Develop and conduct experiments to draw conclusions related to biological problems.
S3 Apply research findings and new developments in innovative ways and make appropriate decisions.
S4 Communicating scientific results to beneficiaries through reports and research.
V1 Determine ethical and professional responsibilities when working in the field of parasitology and medical entomology.
V2 Practice ethical behavior when working individually or in a team.
V3 Create a collaborative and inclusive environment.
Immunology Track) Knowledge and understanding )
K1 Understand basic facts in the field of immunology and its relationship to other biology disciplines
K2 Understand of theories, concepts, and general and basic knowledge of immunology and its relationship to other disciplines
K3 Knowledge of laboratory procedures followed in the field of immunology and full knowledge of safety rules in laboratories.
S1 Apply acquired skills and concepts to solve problems.
S2 Develop and conduct experiments to draw conclusions related to biological problems.
S3 Apply research findings and new developments in innovative ways and make appropriate decisions.
S4 Communicating scientific results to beneficiaries through reports and research.
V1 Determining ethical and professional responsibilities when working in immunology professions.
V2 Practice ethical behavior when working individually or in a team.
V3 Create a collaborative and inclusive environment.
Molecular and Cellular Biology Track) Knowledge and understanding )
K1 Understand basic facts in the field of molecular and cellular biology and its relationship to other biology disciplines
K2 Understand of theories, concepts and general and basic knowledge of molecular and cellular biology and their relationship to other disciplines
K3 Knowledge of laboratory procedures followed in the field of biology and full knowledge of safety rules in laboratories.
S1 Apply acquired skills and concepts to solve problems.
S2 Develop and conduct experiments to draw conclusions related to biological problems.
S3 Apply research findings and new developments in innovative ways and make appropriate decisions.
S4 Communicating scientific results to beneficiaries through reports and research.
V1 Determining the ethical and professional responsibilities when working in the fields of molecular and cell biology.
V2 Practice ethical behavior when working individually or in a team.
V3 Create a collaborative and inclusive environment.

1 A deep understanding of recent developments in theories and research related to the biological sciences and their consequences and effects as an academic discipline or in the field of professional practice
2 The ability to use advanced research techniques and advanced investigative methods in conducting research
3 The ability to analyze and apply research results in the analysis, development and testing of scientific hypotheses, and to propose solutions to theoretical and practical problems
4 The ability to communicate the results of advanced research and studies in the field of biology through refereed publications to the academic and professional circles and other groups of society.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Laboratory techniques in advanced biology 3
Basics of bioinformatics and information technology 5

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Basic Biostatistics Concepts and Tools 3
Introduction to immunology 3
Molecular Biology 3
Advanced entomology and parasitology 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Writing in the Health Sciences 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Research Project 3 OR 12