​​​​About the Center

Through Vision 2030, the Kingdom seeks to a​chieve a broad and comprehensive scientific renaissance in line with the growth of knowledge, and regional and global growth. The Vice Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research represented by the Deanship of Scientific Research has encouraged scientific research services in various scientific, literary, technical and educational fields. It has also worked hard to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles facing researchers and provide support through funding programs to support scientific research in all fields in order to improve the level of scientific research. The decision of Princess Noura Bint AbdulRahman University rector to establish research centers was a strong supporter to achieving the university's mission in encouraging research movement and providing support and advice to researchers in accordance with the regulations of scientific research in the regulation sought by universities to achieve global leadership and community partnership in order to achieve the desired benefit. The establishment of a scientific research center for the College of Science at Princess Noura Bint Abdul Rahman University is considered an achievement that relates to the university's mission and objectives to promote scientific research with innovations and to provide results that contribute to the invention and promote the university's vision for the future in achieving global leadership and community partnership by participating in beneficial applications.​

Origin of the Center

The College of Science Research Center was established by the decision of the Rector no. (159/1G) on 10/1/1435 H, and has been working on it since its date. The center strives to gain excellence and local and international leadership and the investment of knowledge in theoretical and applied research fields to serve humanity.

Main Goals

1- Linking scientific research to the university's goals and national development plans based on vision 2030

2- Stimulating interdisciplinary research between different disciplines within the university and with other un​

iversities and research centers.

3- Promoting the culture and sustainability of scientific research.

4- Encourage research work and community partnerships to serve the community.

5- Contributing to the solution of environmental problems and localization of modern technologies.

6- Training students in scientific research methods and forming a promising generation of researchers.

7- Encourage scientific publishing.

Target Groups

- Faculty members and graduate students at Princess Noura Bint AbdulRahman University.

- Researchers who obtained PhD recently.

- Bachelor's Degree Students of Princess Noura Bint Abdul Rahman University.

- Researchers in related research centers.