Vice Deanship Key Responsibilities
•  Supervising the annual research plan for the college.
•  Supervising the postgraduate programs in the college, including their exams and committees.
• Proposing new postgraduate programs for the college and developing existing programs in coordination with the academic departments, and following up on their implementation after approval.
• Providing high-quality education in graduate studies, and research opportunities to produce scientific cadres capable of excellence and creativity in scientific research.
• Creating a supportive environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.
• Supervise the scientific associations and scientific journals in the college.
• Overseeing the development of partnerships and the college's relationships with external sectors.
• Establishing partnerships with relevant community and service sectors, and constructive interaction based on partnership and social responsibility.
• Overseeing the college's investments, development works, and specialized activities.
• Supporting scientific activities in the college, and developing the research capabilities and skills of faculty members.
•Supervising and implementing scientific meetings, seminars, and conferences.
• Supervising scientific delegation requests and scientific  sabbatical requests and submitting their reports
• Supervising the application for academic promotion to the rank of associate professor and professor 
• Supervising requests to attend conferences, seminars, and external participation
• Supervising educational scholarship requests (external scholarship - internal scholarship - external joint supervision)
Departments and Units
1- Department of Post-Graduate Studies
• Implement and follow up on the university and college's postgraduate studies policies.
• Follow up on postgraduate affairs and verify the regulations governing postgraduate studies in universities and its executive rules at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University are met.
• Coordinate with academic departments in all matters related to postgraduate studies.
• Follow up on student cases, compliance, and verification of the implementation of academic procedures within the specified periods in the regulations - according to the published annual university academic calendar.
• Establishing partnerships with external universities to create and develop postgraduate programs

2- Department of Partnerships and Community Responsibility
• Activate partnerships with the public, and private and enhance cooperation to achieve the college's objectives and enhance the future of its specializations (in coordination with the Strategic Partnerships Administration).
• Invest partnerships to serve the college's plan and enhance the specialized community partnership for students and affiliates in coordination with the departments and student clubs in the college.
• Create training opportunities for students through communication with external entities and making use of partnerships, and provide job opportunities in coordination with the academic departments and the Educational Affairs Administration in the college.
• Prepare a skills development and continuing education program oversee the preparation of its courses and follow up with faculty members in college.

3- Office of Business and Project Management

• Develop self-resources and enhance income sources and follow up on the college's investment account through the Development and Consulting Services Institute.
• Benefit from the specialized expertise in the college and establish centers of excellence (in coordination with the Development Institute).
• Invest the college's assets in coordination with the competent authorities (Facilities and Investment Management).
• Review the proposed future projects on the college's websites and study the economic feasibility return to the college according to the college's strategic plan.
• Follow up on the performance of the college's ongoing projects with the project managers and ensure that they are progressing within the approved plan.

4- Research and Innovation Unit
• Prepare the annual plan for scientific research and the research priorities of the college in cooperation with the departments and follow up on its implementation after approval.
• Contact the academic departments and motivate faculty members to conduct research and follow up on the progress of the research work of faculty members and their equivalents.
• Contact and coordinate with other research centers inside and outside the university in all matters related to the nature of research and its marketing.
• Develop a culture of innovation in the college and provide logistical and technical support for innovations in coordination with the university's Innovation Center.