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Registration and Schedules Office


1.     Supervise and follow-up on registration of educational and electronic courses.

2.     Take all necessary academic measures for the students according to the university rules and regulations of teaching and assessment policy.

3.     Introduce the study packages and students' batches of the college courses, the electronic courses, and the shared courses.

4.     Implement the courses equation for the college's students.

5.     Link the academic supervisors with the students and follow up with the academic advising unit on the reports and individual performance.

6.     Receive, implement, and register of requests for postponement and transfer from one specialization to another and applications for re-enrollment and withdrawal of the students from the academic semester.

7.     Prepare the periodic reports and statistics for the students of the college for each academic semester.

8.     Link the faculty members with their courses and extracting reference numbers.

9.     Update and count the number of applicants to the course and send them to the concerned department.

10.  Implement and supervise the equation of the applications of candidate students for transferring to the college of Medicine in cooperation with academic departments.​