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About The Academic Program

The English Literature and Cultural Studies Program was developed in response to one of the most important goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which emphasizes the importance of “bridging the gap between education and the requirements of the labor market.” The program also came to fulfill the fifth strategic goal of the Ministry of Education, which aims to “enhance the basic values and skills of students and enhance the ability of the education system to meet the development requirements and Labor market needs.” In light of the agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture on the necessity of including culture and arts in higher education programs, and in response to the growing interest of the Ministry of Culture in the fields of literature, philosophy, creative writing, media, theater, and arts, the Department of English Literature at Princess Nourah University developed the English Literature and Cultural Studies Program. The vitality of this national cultural movement is to meet the needs of the labor market in this field.


Department of English Literature

Language of instruction



4 Years

Academic degree

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Cultural Studies

Career opportunities

1. University teaching and continuing higher education. 2. Working in the diplomatic corps inside and outside the Kingdom. 3. Working in the governmental and private sectors due to the graduate’s proficiency in English language skills, both spoken and written. 4. Working in the media and theatre sector 5. Working in the field of research and editing in the international and local press. 6. Working in publishing houses, literary clubs, and cultural associations. 7. Working in centers for cultural studies and women’s studies.

Nature and Goals of the Program

In its study plan, the program relies on a combination of two fields: the field of English language and literature and the field of cultural studies to meet the needs of the labor market through specialized courses in the fields of humanities. The program aims to contain different cultures and enhance cultural communication with the outside world by offering courses covering various fields such as Arab culture, global culture, environment and media, visual culture, and creative writing. The courses include the following specializations: •Theatre, narrative and poetry literature and arts, modern and contemporary literature, criticism, and theatrical production through students’ practical projects. •Culture in its global sense, which includes the study of literary and cultural production related to women and children, the creative writings of Arabs, Saudi and international writers, and minority literature. • English linguistics (as one of the pillars of culture in the field of creative writing). •Linking the study of literature to inter-disciplinary fields that share the cultural movement, such as media, environment, and visual culture.

1 Enable graduates to study a comprehensive literary and cultural heritage written or translated into English that reflects diverse cultures.
2 Develop graduates’ abilities to communicate culturally utilizing different methods including digital means
3 Enhance graduates’ research abilities, analytical skills, and creative thinking.
4 Prepare graduates professionally to meet the needs of the job market.
5 Promote graduates’ contribution to community service

1 Identify different literary and cultural concepts, forms, and genres as well as strategies related to basic language skills.
2 Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in literary and cultural studies
3 Recognize the relationship between English literature and cultural studies
4 Critically analyze literary and cultural texts
5 Evaluate literary and cultural texts in different contexts
6 Develop creative ideas and projects in the field of literature and culture
7 Communicate effectively in various language forms, as well as digital means, both independently and collaboratively.
8 Demonstrate integrity, commitment, and responsibility in all academic practices
9 Demonstrate tolerance, confidence as well as leadership in diverse contexts.

1 Graduates have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of their subject area in English literature and cultural studies.
2 Application: A. Graduates are able to apply their knowledge of English literature and cultural studies in practice in multi-disciplinary or multi-professional contexts. B. Graduates are well-prepared for using modern digital technology effectively.
3 Creativity and Critical Thinking: Graduates are effective problem-solvers, able to apply critical, creative thinking skills to conceive innovative responses to future challenges.
4 Self-development: Graduates are able to acquire sustained education and self-development in the light of changes
5 Leadership Skills: Graduates are able to reflect leadership, initiation, decision-making and responsibility roles in their chosen careers and communities.
6 Communication Skills: Graduates are able to communicate and convey ideas and information in English to a range of audiences socially and professionally.
7 Ethics: Graduates are responsible and effective national citizens with ethical competency and are able to show respect for other cultures
8 Community Service: Graduates are responsible members of society who are able to initiate volunteer work for the purpose of community service

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit
Ethics and Islamic Values 2
Islamic Banking and Economics 2
Community Building in Islam 2
English Language (1) 3
English Language (2) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Communication Skills 2
Creative Writing 2
Writing Academic Reports 2
Emotional Intelligence Course 2
Basics of Entrepreneurship 2
Principles of Projects Management 2
Giftedness and Mental Superiority 2
Principles of E-Commerce 2
Financial Literacy 2
Leadership and Change Management 2
Health Awareness 2
Poetry and Prose in Arabic Literature 2
Well-Being and Quality of Life 2
Fitness and Sport Science 2
Sustainable Development 2
Global Citizenship 2
Lifelong Learning Skills 2
Sustainable Ecosystems 2
History of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its Pioneering Role 2
Community Building in Islam 2
Good Citizenship Values 2
Saudi Arts and Heritage 2
Studies in Saudi Literature 2
Computer Skills and Information Technology 2
Basics of Programming 2
Data Analysis and Management 2
Artificial Intelligence For Healthcare Disciplines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Scientific Discipines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Humanities Disciplines 2

Course Code Course Title Credit
Introduction to Literature 3
The Short Story 3
Introduction to Translation 3
Dictionary Skills 3
Professional Translation Skills 3
Introduction to Linguistics 3
Computer- Assisted Language Learning (CALL) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
World Poetry 3
Shakespeare 3
Saudi Literature in English 3
Leadership in Literature 3
Cultural Identity in Media 3
World Drama 3
Ecocriticism 3
Postcolonial Literature 3
Multicultural American Literature 3
Interdisciplinary Studies 3
Children's Literature 3
Social media and Culture 4
History and Culture in Film and Digital Media 3
Applied Grammar (1) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Principles of Information and Technology Systems 2
Grammar 3
Reading and Comprehension 3
Public Rhetoric 3
Introduction to Literature 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Essay Writing 2
Informal Logic and Critical Thinking 3
Introduction to Culture 3
Statistics 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Introduction to Literary Theory 3
Second Foreign Language (French1) 3
18th and 19th Century Novel (Harmony of Prose) 3 LITE151OR LITE101T
Symphony of Pre-modern Verse 3 LITE151OR LITE101T
Greek Theater 3 LITE151OR LITE101T

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Second Foreign Language (French2) 3 FRNS201OR FRNS101T
Methods of Research 3
Studies in American Literature 3
World Literature 3
Graphic Literature 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Second Foreign Language (French3) 3 FRNS202
Modern Fiction 3
Symphony of Modern Verse 3
Modern Theater 3
Literature and Media 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Second Foreign Language (French4) 3 FRNS303
Creative Writing 3 LITE102
Contemporary Women’s Literature 3
Environment in Literature and Film 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Theater and Performance 3
Literary Theory and Media 3
Modern Arabic Literature in English 3
Literary Adaptation in Films 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Graduation Project 3 LITE465AND LITE433AND LITE443AND LITE455
co –op Training 6 LITE465AND LITE433AND LITE443AND LITE455