​​Key Responsibilities

  • Receiving the list of new students and distribute them to faculty members in the programs.
  • ​​Contacting the academic advisors when distributing the advising lists to them to organize their work in advising.
  • Providing guidance​ to the academic advisors in the programs to hold periodic meetings for the students they advise, in order to learn through the meetings about the progress of the students and try to help solve problems and identify cases that need assistance.
  • Providing guidance to the academic advisors in the program to identify outstanding students and encourage and motivate them, and inform them of the benefits they will receive according to the prepared mechanism.
  • Providing guidance to the academic advisors to identify academically struggling students and those suffering from social, health, or psychological problems, so that they can provide care and assistance in solving their problems and refer those who need a specialist to the college counselor.
  • Providing guidance to the academic advisors to allocate individual meetings to advise struggling students.​