​About the Vice Deanship

In the College of Pharmacy, our mission is focused on facilitating and activating creative research and innovation to achieve better health care for our society in alignment with the objectives of scientific research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University.  

​Key Responsibilties

  •  Providing a supportive environment for scientific research and developing the research skills of faculty members.
  • Organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance scientific exchange and collaboration.
  •  Supervising and develop postgraduate programs in the college and propose new postgraduate programs.
  • Overseeing the development of partnerships and the college's relationships with external sectors.
  • Supervising the college's investments and its developmental and specialized activities.​

​Departments and Units​

Department of Partnership and Community Responsibility 

Department of Postgraduate Programs

Office of Research and Innovation

Office of Business and Project Management