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About The Academic Program

A Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) is a professional degree needed to prepares pharmacists to obtain comprehensive medication management and clinical skills using a patient-centered approach within interprofessional health care teams. The PharmD curriculum includes a six-year, full-time undergraduate program combines basic pharmaceutical sciences education with Integrated pharmacotherapy courses. Integrated Pharmacotherapy courses and its associated labs take an in-depth look at different therapeutic diseases that focus on integrated approach of learning, taking the students through understanding the basic knowledge in medications chemistry, followed by its pharmacological interaction in human body, and reaching the therapeutic management of the disease. It is taught as blocks for each disease status. Lectures focus on evidence-based approach in addition to clinical practical cases and new teaching styles like flipped classes with different assessment methods that includes Individual and Team Readiness Assurance Tests, presentations, and journal clubs Other core courses in pathophysiology, pharmaceutics, epidemiology and pharmacy administration are all structured to be integrated in the curriculum with a blend of interactive lectures, lab-based learning, Problem-based learning, Simulation-based learning, and clinical experience. Pharmacy practice experience is divided into two phases: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) phase. Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) focus on inpatient and outpatient settings. Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) has different type of rotations that take place in different hospitals and pharmaceutical sectors.



Language of instruction



6 Years

Academic degree

Bachelor in Pharm.D

Career opportunities

Graduates of this specialization can find employment opportunities in various sectors, including hospitals and healthcare centers in both the public and private sectors, serving as practitioner pharmacists or clinical pharmacists. Additionally, they can work in medical supply within the Ministry of Health and pharmaceutical services in all government and private sectors. Other potential areas include research and development centers, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), monitoring and oversight bodies for pharmaceutical products, drug analysis and toxicology centers, pharmaceutical factories, and companies involved in the marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical preparations. In addition, PharmD graduates have as well the chance to work in community pharmacy sector

Nature and Goals of the Program

PharmD program aims to build human capabilities in the field of pharmacy and contribute to the development of pharmacy profession standards through advanced educational strategies based on simulation-based learning and problem-solving. This is to prepare qualified pharmacists capable of providing high-quality pharmaceutical services, achieving excellence and innovation in the field of patient care, scientific research, and community health. This is in support of human, social, and economic development. Graduates of this specialization distinguish themselves with theoretical knowledge, clinical skills, and experiences that enable them to play an effective role in understanding medical diagnoses, selecting appropriate medications, determining the correct dosage, and finding alternative medications when necessary.

To prepare competent pharmacists capable of providing high quality pharmaceutical services and striving for excellence and innovation in patient care, research and community wellness.
Goals and Objectives
1. Excellence in pharmacy education and community wellness
• Apply scientific knowledge in pharmaceutical practice to provide optimum patient care.
• Demonstrate proficiency in medication management to improve health outcomes of individuals and community
2. Distinction in leadership skills and pharmaceutical research.
• Apply fundamental principles and skills in conducting pharmaceutical research.
• Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration in various professional settings.
• Practice life-long learning and demonstrate self-awareness to enhance themselves and their profession.

1.Knowledge and Understanding
K1 (1.1) Describe essential knowledge related to the development and use of medications, natural remedies, and other therapies for disease/s prevention and treatment.
K2 (1.2) Describe the concepts and principles related to various pharmacy practice settings
K3 (1.3) Recognize the role of pharmacist according to legal, ethical and professional standards in promoting health and the prevention and treatment of disease/s.
2. Skills
2.1. Cognitive skills
S1 (2.1.1) Integrate pharmaceutical sciences with pharmacy applications.
S2 (2.1.2) Appraise scientific literature to be utilized in evidence-based practice, conducting research and problem solving.
S3 (2.1.3) Interpret information obtained from different resources to provide creative solutions for complex problems.
2.2. Practical and Physical Skills
S4 (2.2.1) Perform various clinical assessments and medication use procedures effectively.
S5 (2.2.2) Apply effective pharmaceutical laboratory skills.
2.3. Communication and ICT Skills
S6 (2.3.1) Communicate clearly and collaborate effectively within a team in various settings.
S7 (2.3.2) Utilize appropriate information technologies, pharmaceutical calculation and analyses to optimize medication use and patient care.
3. Values, Autonomy and Responsibility
V1 (3.1) Demonstrate leadership skills, entrepreneurship, self-awareness, accountability and acceptance of responsibility, reflective and independent thinking to effectively manage and respond to routine or unanticipated circumstances.
V2 (3.2) Contribute to decision-making processes by providing proper recommendations in various settings.
V3 (3.3) Demonstrate empathy, professional attitude, ethical behavior, social and cultural awareness to provide safe and effective patient care.

Effective Communication and Team Engagement
Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
Comprehensive Pharmacy Knowledge and Skills
Social and Cultural Awareness and Responsibility
Leadership and Decision Making
Application of Informational Technology
Professional Attitude and Ethical Behavior
Self and Profession Development.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit
Ethics and Islamic Values 2
Islamic Banking and Economics 2
Community Building in Islam 2
English Language (1) 3
English Language (2) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Communication Skills 2
Creative Writing 2
Writing Academic Reports 2
Emotional Intelligence Course 2
Basics of Entrepreneurship 2
Principles of Projects Management 2
Giftedness and Mental Superiority 2
Principles of E-Commerce 2
Financial Literacy 2
Leadership and Change Management 2
Health Awareness 2
Poetry and Prose in Arabic Literature 2
Well-Being and Quality of Life 2
Fitness and Sport Science 2
Sustainable Development 2
Global Citizenship 2
Lifelong Learning Skills 2
Sustainable Ecosystems 2
History of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its Pioneering Role 2
Community Building in Islam 2
Good Citizenship Values 2
Saudi Arts and Heritage 2
Studies in Saudi Literature 2
Computer Skills and Information Technology 2
Basics of Programming 2
Data Analysis and Management 2
Artificial Intelligence For Healthcare Disciplines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Scientific Discipines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Humanities Disciplines 2

Course Code Course Title Credit
Advanced Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics 3
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Health Care System (2) 3
Advanced Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics 3
Thermodynamics Pharmacy 3
Thermodynamics Pharmacy 3
Cosmetic Preparations 3
Advanced Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 3
Thermodynamics Pharmacy 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Women’s Health and Pharmacotherapy 3
Critical Patient Pharmacotherapy 3
Antimicrobial Stewardship 3
Pediatrics Pharmacotherapy 3
Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
General Chemistry for Health Specialties 3
Academic English for Health Specialties (1) 3
Medical Terminology 2
Statistics for Health Specialties 3
Health Profession Skills 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Introduction to Health Professions and Ethics 2
Human Biology for Health Specialties 3
Fundamentals of Scientific Research 3
Academic English for Health Specialties (2) 3 ENG131OR HFSE104
General Physics for Health Specialties 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Anatomy and Histology 2 ( BIO105OR BIO101TOR HFSB102-1 )AND ( MBS211 YOR MBS141M Y )
Physiology 3 MBS210 YOR MBS101M Y
Genetics/Genomics 2 BIO105OR BIO101TOR HFSB102-1
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 4 CHEM104
Pharmacy Calculations 2 MATH162OR HFSM101-1OR HFSM161-1OR MATH101T

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Systems 2
Pathophysiology (1) 2 ( MBS210OR MBS101M )AND ( MBS211OR HRS113OR MBS141M )
Introduction to Medical Microbiology 4 MBS216 Y
General Immunology 2
Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry 4
Basic Principles of Industrial Pharmacy 2 PHS220OR PHS221M

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Pathophysiology (2) 3 MBS213OR MBS252M
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 4 PHS200OR PHS202
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design 2 ( PHS200OR PHS202 )AND ( PHS302 YOR PHS318 Y )AND ( PHS310 YOR PHS331M Y )
Basic Principles in Pharmacology 3 ( MBS214 YOR MBS253M Y )AND CPP310 Y
Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Stability 4 PHS221
Patient Care Laboratory 2 PHS310 Y

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (1) 3 ( PHS310OR PHS331M )AND PHS303AND ( CPP311 YOR CPP342 Y )
Principles of Natural Products and Evidence-Based Medicine 3
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 4 ( MATH162OR HFSM161-1 )AND ( PHS220OR PHS221M )AND ( PHS322OR PHS321 )AND ( PHS310OR PHS331M )
Professional Communication Skills 2
Principles of Pharmacy Regulations and Health Ethics 2
Biostatistics 2 MATH162OR HFSM161-1OR HFSM101-1OR MATH101T
Integrated Patient Care Laboratory (1) 2 ( CPP310OR CPP341 )AND ( CPP320 YOR CPP322M Y )AND ( PHS304 YOR PHS312 Y )

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (2) 3 ( CPP320OR CPP322M )AND ( CPP312 YOR CPP441 Y )
Principles of Self-Care and Medication Therapy Management 2
Drug Information and Literature Evaluation 3 CPP303OR MaSc264
Principles of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics of Medicine 3 CPP303OR MaSc264
Pharmacy Practice Experience (1) (Community Practice) 2
Toxicology 2 PHS310OR PHS331M
Integrated Patient Care Laboratory (2) 2 ( CPP311OR CPP342 )AND ( CPP321 YOR CPP421M Y )AND ( CPP404 YOR CPP410 Y )AND ( CPP417 YOR CPP405 Y )

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (4) 3 ( CPP422 YOR CPP428 Y )AND CPP413 YAND CPP321
Pharmacy Practice Experience (2) (Hospital Practice) 2
Principles of Pharmacy Management and Marketing 2
Principles of Evidence-Based Practice 2 CPP405OR CPP417
Principles of Medication Safety 2
Integrated Patient Care Laboratory (3) 2 ( CPP312OR CPP441 )AND ( CPP422 YOR CPP428 Y )AND ( CPP407 YOR CPP416 Y )AND CPP423 Y
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (3) 3 ( CPP321OR CPP421M )AND ( CPP413 YOR CPP444 Y )AND CPP423 Y

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Integrated Patient Care Laboratory (4) 2 ( CPP413OR CPP444 )AND CPP424 YAND CPP525 Y
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (5) 4 ( CPP423OR CPP423M )AND CPP422AND CPP525 YAND CPP414 Y
Health Informatics 2
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (6) 4 ( CPP422OR CPP423 )AND ( CPP424 YOR CPP414 Y )
Compounding and IV Admixture Services 3 PHS220OR PHS221M

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Research Project 3 ( CPP303OR MaSc264 )AND ( CPP405OR CPP417 )AND ( CPP407OR CPP416 )
Integrated Patient Care Laboratory (5) 2 CPP414AND CPP526 YAND CPP527 Y
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (7) 4 CPP525AND CPP424AND CPP527 YAND CPP515 Y
Integrated Pharmacotherapy (8) 4 ( CPP526 YOR CPP427 Y )AND CPP515 YAND CPP525AND CPP424
Pharmacy Practice Experience (3) (Introduction to Clinical Practice) 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (2) (General Internal Medicine) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (3) (General Internal Medicine Specialty) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (4) (Community Practice) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (5) (Hospital Practice) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (6) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (7) 4 CPP527AND CPP501AND CPP518
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (8) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (9) 4 CPP527AND CPP501AND CPP518
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (1) (Primary/Ambulatory Care) 4 CPP527AND CPP518AND CPP501

Academic Credits