​​​​​About the Center

The Center for Scientific Research and Innovation at the College of Arts and Design was established with the vision of the college being a research platform that contributes to building the knowledge economy in art and design. This is achieved by preparing research cadres capable of enriching the fields of design and arts in line with the requirements of excellence in education, research, creativity, and innovation, which contributes to building the knowledge economy and serving humanity according to the 2030 vision. The values of the Center stem from the values adopted by the College of Arts and Design at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, which are belonging, integrity, scientific honesty, leadership, excellence, and empowerment.​

Main Objectives

  • Enhancing the research performance in the college to raise the quality of research and innovation outputs according to the research priorities.
  • Enhancing community partnership and cooperation in scientific research and innovation.
  • Achieving excellence in scientific research and innovation in the fields of design and arts.
  • Establishing a scientific platform on the college's website to document and introduce the research and innovative achievements of the college's members.

The Center's Strategic Plan

  • Enhancing the research performance in the college to raise the quality of research and innovation outputs according to the research priorities.​

  • First: The research priorities of the College of Arts and Design according to the university's research priorities based on the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and the research priorities of Saudi community institutions and organizations.

  • Second: The research priorities of Saudi entities according to the Kingdom's Vision 2030, in which the College of Arts and Design can provide research services.

  • Third: Enhancing community partnership and cooperation in scientific research and innovation.

  • Fourth: Achieving excellence in scientific research and innovation in the fields of design and arts, which is related to the university's third priority of increasing research capacity.

  • Fifth: Establishing a scientific platform on the college's website to document and introduce the research and innovative achievements of the college's members, which is related to the university's third research priority of increasing research capacity.​