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About The Academic Program

Introducing an outstanding academic program with educational leadership, scientific research, and innovative skills in the field of fashion and textiles. Aimed at contributing to the knowledge economy through partnerships and society services.


Fashion & Textile Design

Language of instruction



4 Years

Academic degree

Bachelor in Fashion & Textile Design

Career opportunities

 Fashion designer  textile designer  pattern designer  specialized fashion illustrator  fashion consultant  working in fashion marketing  academic faculty member (teaching assistant), research assistant

Nature and Goals of the Program

The program provides experience that encompasses all the theoretical and practical frameworks used in this field. It aims to equip students with knowledge related to design theories and modern techniques in fashion and textile production. It also aims to develop the necessary creative, critical, and technical ideas and skills required for the job market.

1. Prepare qualified personnel in the field of fashion and textile design to meet the requirements of the labor market.
2. Develop the educational process by participating in scientific, research, and innovative activities in the field of specialization.
3. Keep pace with the latest technical and technological developments necessary for the educational and practical processes.
4. Enhance the national identity and cultural heritage in teaching, scientific research, and community service.

1. Define the historical, cultural, and social context, and the methodology of scientific research and inquiry methods in the field of fashion and textile design.
2. Distinguish the theories, concepts, and recent developments related to fashion and textile design.
3. Utilize the appropriate tools, materials, and methods in fashion and textile design projects.
4. Use modern technological tools and applications to support research, projects, and document their sources.
5. Communicate in various ways to effectively express ideas and production processes in the field of fashion and textile design.
6. Evaluate issues and problems in the field of fashion and textile design.
7. Provide creative and innovative solutions in the field of fashion and textile design.
8. Commit to responsible citizenship, integrity, scientific honesty, and contribute to the development of the specialty.
9. Assume responsibility in self-development and independent management of tasks and activities related to the specialty.
10. Lead, plan work, and participate collaboratively within a team.

1. Comprehensive knowledge of theories and professional foundations in the field of fashion and textile design, and apply them using modern technology.
2. Practice critical and creative thinking to express ideas and concepts in the field of fashion and textile design.
3. Self-learning and independent thinking to develop entrepreneurship and project management skills to contribute to the knowledge economy in the field of fashion and textile design.
4. Ability to assume responsibility with commitment to individual or group work tasks and initiatives in the field of fashion and textile design.
5. Commitment to professional ethics and pride in national identity in the field of fashion and textile design.
6. Participation in volunteer and community activities.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit
Ethics and Islamic Values 2
Islamic Banking and Economics 2
Community Building in Islam 2
English Language (1) 3
English Language (2) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Communication Skills 2
Creative Writing 2
Writing Academic Reports 2
Emotional Intelligence Course 2
Basics of Entrepreneurship 2
Principles of Projects Management 2
Giftedness and Mental Superiority 2
Principles of E-Commerce 2
Financial Literacy 2
Leadership and Change Management 2
Health Awareness 2
Poetry and Prose in Arabic Literature 2
Well-Being and Quality of Life 2
Fitness and Sport Science 2
Sustainable Development 2
Global Citizenship 2
Lifelong Learning Skills 2
Sustainable Ecosystems 2
History of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its Pioneering Role 2
Good Citizenship Values 2
Saudi Arts and Heritage 2
Computer Skills and Information Technology 2
Basics of Programming 2
Data Analysis and Management 2

Course Code Course Title Credit
Fashion and Textiles Management 3
International Marketing 3
Experimental Publishing 3
Fashion and Textiles Management 3
International Marketing 3
Experimental Publishing 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Fashion Accessories 3
Fashion &Textile Specific Market 3
Textile Analysis 3
Machine Embroidery 3
Method of Textile Decoration 3
Fashion Makeup 3
Fashion Illustration 3
Media Design 3
Photography 3
Textile Printing 3
Fashion Accessories 3
Fashion &Textile Specific Market 3
Textile Analysis 3
Machine Embroidery 3
Method of Textile Decoration 3
Fashion Makeup 3
Fashion Illustration 3
Media Design 3
Photography 3
Textile Printing 3
Fashion Accessories 3
Fashion &Textile Specific Market 3
Textile Analysis 3
Machine Embroidery 3
Method of Textile Decoration 3
Fashion Makeup 3
Fashion Illustration 3
Media Design 3
Photography 3
Textile Printing 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
English Language (1) 3
English Language (2) 3 ENG101OR ENG101-1
Fabric Studies 3
Design Software (1) 3
Color and Material 3
Art History (1) 3
Drawing 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
History of Fashion 3
Introduction to Fashion 3
Fashion Illustration Basic 3
Design Software (2) 3
Composition 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
History of Textile 3
Core Studio (1): Sewing and Pattern Cutting 6 ( FDT122OR FDT122T )
Digital Design 3 ( FDT151OR FDT151TOR FDT351T )
English for Fashion and Textile Design 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Textile Design 3 ( FDT141OR FDT141T )
Digital Pattern Making 3 ( FDT224OR FDT223T )
Draping on Mannequin (1) 2 ( FDT224OR FDT223T )
Statistics 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Fashion Illustration 3 ( FDT227OR FDT227TOR FDT324T )
Professional Practices 3
Introduction to Islamic Art 3
Fashion Design (1): Foundations 6 ( FDT226OR FDT226T )

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Materials & Process (1) : Pattern Drafting 4 ( FDT321
Fashion Merchandising 3
Senior Project (1) 4

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Fashion & Textile Design (Specific Markets) 6 ( FDT321 YAND ( FDT111 YOR FDT211T Y )
Senior Project (2) 6 FDT381OR FDT471TOR FDT471

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
CO-OP Training 6 FDT481AND FDT421

Academic Credits