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Documentation requirements
The journal adopts the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation system.
References are indicated within the text by mentioning the author's second name and then the year of publication in parentheses in the case of direct reference, for example, Abdullah (2016).  In the case of an indirect reference, the author's name and the year of publication are mentioned in parentheses, for example: (Abdullah, 2016).  In the case of quotations, the page number and page numbers are noted in parentheses (Abdullah, 2016: 26).
 Arrange the references at the end of the research alphabetically as follows:
If the reference is a book: the author’s second name, first name (publication year), book title, edition, publishing house, place of publication.
If the reference is research from a journal: second name, first name (year of publication), the research title, journal's name, issue, pages, place of publication.
If the reference from a conference or symposium is as follows: second name, first name (year of session), the paper's title, the conference or symposium, venue, and date.
If the reference is from one of the Internet sites as follows: second name, first name, the title of the article/research, website, date of access to it.
 When foreign terms appear in the body of the research, they are written in Arabic and Latin letters in parentheses; the term is mentioned in full when it first appears.