​​About the Vice Deanship​

The Vice Deanship for Research, Innovation and Business constitutes one of the important pillars of the College of Dentistry. It contributes to preparing graduates capable of assuming responsibility and leading the future. It provides educational services that meet international standards and research solutions in strategic fields through effective partnerships with local and international bodies and through communication with specialized research centers to enhance The wealth of knowledge in society that contributes to improving the educational level.

The Vice Deanship aims to improve the quality of scientific research and create an environment supportive of innovation in the field of dentistry. The Vice Deanship​ also contributes by working to contact international research centers to keep pace with developments in dental research, and to organize and conclude aspects of cooperation between the college and other institutions.

The Vice Deanship works to provide postgraduate programs after referring to the requirements of the labor market, and to improve the level of these programs to keep pace with distinguished international programs out of a desire to keep pace with the rapid progress of science and technology in the leading international universities in the field of dentistry. Support and encourage graduate studies and student research and contribute to the publication of scientific research or any other publications.


Departments and Units​

Scientific Research and Innovation Unit

Department of Postgraduate Program 

Office​ of Business and Project Management 

Department of Partnerships and Social Responsibility ​