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About The Academic Program

The College of Dentistry at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University offers a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) program. The program spans five academic years, preceded by a foundation year and followed by a one-year internship. It is distinguished as one of the first dental programs to adopt the Block System, allowing students to integrate knowledge based on evidence-based learning. Additionally, the program emphasizes modern teaching methods, such as problem-based learning (PBL) and evidence-based discussion sessions. All examinations at the College of Dentistry are conducted electronically via ExamSoft, eliminating the use of paper-based tests entirely. The program also provides high-quality clinical and laboratory training, featuring an advanced electronic records system (Axiom) and the latest equipment and tools to ensure a hands-on learning experience that closely simulates real-world dental practice. This training is conducted under the supervision of highly qualified faculty members.


Oral and Dental Surgery (B.D.S)

Language of instruction



7 Years

Academic degree

Bachelor of Oral and Dental Surgery (B.D.S)

Career opportunities

Governmental and private sector Hospitals and health centers- child care centers - dental research centers – Academic entities

Nature and Goals of the Program

Demonstrate competency, ethics, and professionalism in accordance with the international and national standards of patient dental care. Offer high-quality evidence-based, dynamic, technology based dental education that enriches graduates’ knowledge, critical thinking, self/lifelong learning, and clinical skills to meet the labor market demands. Develop awareness of the oral health needs and diversity in the community through preventive, promotive and management services. Foster research and innovations relevant to clinical practice, national priorities and population needs. Promote leadership and decision-making through volunteering for and participating in community and scientific events.

1. Demonstrate competency, ethics, and professionalism in accordance with the international and national standards of patient dental care.
2. Offer high-quality evidence-based, dynamic, technology based dental education that enriches graduates’ knowledge, critical thinking, self/lifelong learning, and clinical skills to meet the labor market demands.
3. Develop awareness of the oral health needs and diversity in the community through preventive, promotive and management services.
4. Foster research and innovations relevant to clinical practice, national priorities and population needs.
5. Promote leadership and decision-making through volunteering for and participating in community and scientific events.

Knowledge and Understanding:
K1. Describe fundamental anatomy and physiology of body systems, biochemistry, microbiology as well as basic macro and micro anatomy of oral and paraoral structures and their physiological variations.
K2. Recognize the principles of genetics, embryonic developmental and morpho-differentiation of head and neck as well as growth and development of occlusion and orofacial structures.
K3. Describe oral and systemic diseases etiology, epidemiology, prevention, signs, symptoms and management, as well as their effects on dento-facial complex and delivery of dental care in a safe way.
K4. Recognize medical and dental emergencies during or after dental procedures and their prevention and management.
K5. Describe the basic principles of psychological patterns of a dental patient and how to manage them in the dental clinic
K6. Define the principles of educational strategies for oral disease prevention and promotion through individual counselling or community-based program.
K7. Outline laws, ethics and professionalism relevant to dentistry.
K8. Recognize the broad principles of scientific research and evaluation of evidence that are necessary for an evidence-based approach in dentistry.
K9. Identify guidelines of universal infection control to utilize them in all dental procedures.
K10. Describe composition, mechanical, chemical, and biological properties of dental materials and therapeutics relevant to dental practice; their mode of action, applications and hazards.
K11. Describe preclinical and clinical steps for surgical procedures, restorations and replacement of teeth to restore form, function, and acceptable esthetics.
S1. Differentiate between oral hard/ soft tissue diseases based on their history, clinical findings and collected diagnostic data in order to formulate an effective treatment plan or the need for referral to a specialist.
S2. Analyze the recorded contemporary information for proper oral health promotion based on patients ‘needs, ages and acceptance, relevant to evidence- based dentistry.
S3. Communicate appropriately and effectively with patients, guardians, academic and health care personnel for patient care, practice management and research utilizing different methodologies.
S4. Apply relevant numerical skills as well as contemporary and emerging information in order to interpret information, solve problems and develop lifelong learning.
S5. Provide a safe, comprehensive dental and oral care using proper instruments, materials and techniques in all disciplines.
S6. Demonstrate fine motor control together with the ability to use both hands employing high level of tactile sense.
S7. Perform extra and intraoral clinical examination, as well as vital signs assessment with precision aided by instruments, tests and radiographic acquisition.
S8. Perform dental procedures in virtual lab and phantom lab.
V1. Show the ability to manage time, value personnel, culture and community needs and diversity, work in a team and set priorities pertaining to the academic environment, patient care, practice management and research inside or outside the organization.
V2. Demonstrate self -assessment, critical thinking, problem solving and competency related to patient comprehensive care in an ethical and legal manner.
V3. Use their learning and creativity in the context of establishing further professional and career development .

I -Graduates are culturally competent, resilient, and able to manage their behaviors, actions, thoughts, and emotions in ways that align to the ethics and values of the profession.
The dental graduate should be able to:
1-Recognize the ethical principles and legal responsibilities involved in the provision of dental care to individual patients.
2-Participate in the national and professional health organizations in the country and admire the benefits of this participation.
3-Communicate effectively and show respect for others regardless of their culture or background.
Safe & Effective Clinical Practice:
II. Graduates are knowledgeable individuals in the field of general dentistry, and able to integrate their contemporaneous knowledge and skills into practice of general dentistry to advance the quality of oral health care.
The dental graduate should be able to:
1- Demonstrate high level of competency, ethics and professionalism required to practice general dentistry.
2- Apply discipline’s knowledge and skills in a multidisciplinary context to provide holistic patient care.
3- Select and prioritize treatment options that are sensitive to each patient's needs and compatible with current methods of treatment.
4- Acknowledge the broad principles of scientific research and employ evidence-based information to improve oral health care.
III. Graduates are proficient in verbal, written, and digital methods of communication and able to effectively build networking, engage in critical debates and share ideas on the national and global levels.
The dental graduate should be able to:
1. Use English and Arabic language effectively for oral written and electronic communications.
2. Appraise the role of each member of the dental team in the delivery of effective patient care.
Dentistry in Community::
IV. Graduates are committed, reliable individuals, willing to contribute to health education in their community and to have a role in the resolution of oral health problems.
The dental graduate should be able to:
1. Appreciate the importance of general and oral health promotion and disease prevention as a sustainable development goal on both, national and international level.
2. Contribute to the development of healthy community by applying current concepts of oral health promotion, risk management, prevention, and treatment of oral and dental disease.
3. Implement the principles of practice administration, financial and personnel management to a private practice or a business project, while adhering to all local policies and procedures.
4. Apply contemporary digital technology and computer skills for documentation, continuous education, communication, management of information and applications related to oral health care.
5. Evaluate, analyze, act with confidence, and manage career challenges to maintain sustainability.
6. Demonstrate digital professionalism by protecting patient data and using the social and digital communication appropriately.
Digital Technology:
V. Graduates are capable of applying modern digital technology in all aspects of dental practice and patient care.
The dental graduate should be able to:
1. Apply contemporary digital technology and computer skills for documentation, continuous education, communication, management of information and applications related to oral health care.
2. Demonstrate digital professionalism by protecting patient data and using the social and digital communication appropriately.
Leadership and self-development:
VI. Graduates are confident, self-sufficient individuals, capable of starting their independent business and solve career problems.
The dental graduate should be able to:
1- Implement the principles of practice administration, financial and personnel management to a private practice or a business project, while adhering to all local policies and procedures.
2- Evaluate, analyze, act with confidence, and manage career challenges to maintain sustainability.
Lifelong education:
VII. Graduates are proactive, accountable, and self-directed to continuous learning to stay current in their field and embrace the vast development in oral health science and technology.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit
Ethics and Islamic Values 2
Islamic Banking and Economics 2
Community Building in Islam 2
English Language (1) 3
English Language (2) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Communication Skills 2
Creative Writing 2
Writing Academic Reports 2
Emotional Intelligence Course 2
Basics of Entrepreneurship 2
Principles of Projects Management 2
Giftedness and Mental Superiority 2
Principles of E-Commerce 2
Financial Literacy 2
Leadership and Change Management 2
Health Awareness 2
Poetry and Prose in Arabic Literature 2
Well-Being and Quality of Life 2
Fitness and Sport Science 2
Sustainable Development 2
Global Citizenship 2
Lifelong Learning Skills 2
Sustainable Ecosystems 2
History of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its Pioneering Role 2
Community Building in Islam 2
Good Citizenship Values 2
Saudi Arts and Heritage 2
Studies in Saudi Literature 2
Computer Skills and Information Technology 2
Basics of Programming 2
Data Analysis and Management 2
Artificial Intelligence For Healthcare Disciplines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Scientific Discipines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Humanities Disciplines 2

Course Code Course Title Credit
Advanced Orthodontics 2
Advanced Periodontics 1 2
Advanced Periodontics 2 2
Implantology 2
Advanced Oral Pathology 2
Advanced Oral Radiology 2
Laser Dentistry 2
Advanced Oral Surgery 2
Facial Pain 2
Advanced Oral Medicine 2
Advanced General Medicine 2
Advanced Prosthodontics 1 2
Advanced Restorative Dentistry 2
Advanced Endodontics 2
Advanced Prosthodontics 2 2
Geriatrics 2
TMD and Management 2
Advanced Dental Material 2
Selected Topics in Preventive Dentistry 2
Community Dentistry 2
Advanced Pediatric Dentistry 2

Course Code Course Title Credit

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Human Biology for Health Specialties 3
General Chemistry for Health Specialties 3
Academic English for Health Specialties (1) 3
Medical Terminology 2
Statistics for Health Specialties 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Introduction to Health Professions and Ethics 2
Fundamentals of Scientific Research 3
Academic English for Health Specialties (2) 3 ENG131OR HFSE104
Health Profession Skills 3
General Physics for Health Specialties 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Foundation Block 10
Introduction to Dentistry 2
Learning Skills 2
Body System Block 10
Head & Neck Anatomy & Oral Biology 6
Dental Anatomy & Morphology 4

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Oral Diagnostic Sciences 1 8 BDS132
General Medicine 1 4 BDS131
Restorative Dentistry 1 6 CDS111
Prosthodontics 1 6
Dental Materials 4
Evidence Based Dentistry 2
Introduction to Preventive Dentistry 2
Medical Professionalism 6

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Oral Diagnostic Sciences 2 5 BDS201OR BDS221
Oral Surgery 1 3
General Medicine 2 2 BDS231
General Clinics 1 5 CDS211AND CDS231
Restorative Dentistry 2 4 CDS211
Endodontics 4 CDS211AND BDS201
Prosthodontics 2 4 CDS231
Medical Informatics 2
Ethics for Health Professions 3
Pediatric Dentistry 1 4
Periodontics 3 PDS241

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Oral Surgery 2 3 BDS311
Oral Medicine 1 2 BDS301OR BDS321
General Medicine 3 2 BDS331OR BDS302
General Clinics 2 8 CDS301
General Dentistry 1 4 CDS311
Prosthodontics 3 4 CDS331
Community Dentistry 1 4
Pediatric Dentistry 2 4 PDS321
Orthodontics 1 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Oral Medicine 2 2 BDS421
General Medicine 4 2 BDS431
General Clinics 3 10 CDS401
General Dentistry 2 3 CDS411
Prosthodontics 4 2 CDS431
Research Methods 3
Practice Management 2
Community Dentistry 2 4 PDS411
Pediatric Dentistry 3 4 PDS421
Orthodontics 2 2 PDS431

Academic Credits