Partners of the Institute for Teaching Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers:

  • King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Language Service Center Arabic:
 A partnership aimed at the professional qualification of teachers of language Arabic second language, based on the academic leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabic in the field of teaching Arabic second language.
  •    Islamic Development Bank:
 - A technical assistance agreement aimed at upgrading the level of the program to become a leading program in the world. 
- Developing the program in all respects, including the design of a modern curriculum that follows the latest educational theories, in the field of teaching the second language in general 
And teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in particular. 
  •    Bunyan Company Ltd.:
 A specialized program in building and developing skills and raising competencies to qualify scholarship students at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, presented by a group of academies that aims to provide students with the basic knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to advance them, and enhance their role in society.