
The provisions of this policy apply to all general - unprotected - data and information produced by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, regardless of their source, form, or nature - including paper records, email, information stored on computers or audio/video tapes or maps or photographs or manuscripts or handwritten documents, or any other form of recorded information.

The Main Principles of Open Data

The First Principle: The default is data availability.
The Second Principle: Open format and machine-readability.
The Third Principle: Data timeliness.
The Fourth Principle: Comprehensiveness.
The Fifth Principle: Non-discrimination.
The Sixth Principle: No financial cost.
The Seventh Principle: Open data licensing in the Kingdom.
The Eighth Principle: Developing a governance model and engaging everyone.
The Ninth Principle: Inclusive development and innovation.​​