About the Vice Deanship 

The Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs contributes to the creation and development of academic programs, and the supervision of existing programs in coordination with the academic departments. The Vice Deanship aims to create a suitable educational environment to achieve distinguished education and competitive outcomes, which enhances the role of the college in preparing pioneering female cadres in the field of sports science and physical activity. The Vice Deanship is also committed to implementing the quality management system in the college, following up on the implementation of the regulations and rules governing study and examinations, and supervising the progress of the academic process. The Vice Deanship includes the Department of Educational Affairs, the E-Learning Unit, the Department of Laboratories and Learning Resources, and the Department of Quality of Education and Learning, to ensure the integration of the educational process according to the latest international standards and practices.


Departments and Units

Department of Educational Affairs

Department of Quality of Education and Learning

Department of Laboratories and Learning Resources

E-Learning Unit