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About The Academic Program

MSc in Nursing: Advanced Practice program in partnership with Dublin City University since 2017. Degree awarded from both PNU & DCU



Language of instruction



2 Years

Academic degree

Master of Science in Nursing Major : (Advanced Nursing Practice )

Career opportunities

• Specialist in Advanced Clinical Practice • Case Manager • Nursing Leader • Researcher in Advanced Clinical Nursing • Teaching Staff in Clinical Nursing

Nature and Goals of the Program

Promote the role of the Advanced Nurse Practice while adhering to the principles of leadership and clinical excellence, Encourage program participants to contribute to a lifelong personal and professional development program in the field of professional, educational and research practice

To increase the numbers of qualified nurses who can practice at the advanced practice level.
To facilitate the move toward Saudization by increasing the number of nurses with a master’s degree.
To address KSA’s Ministry of Health focus on developing a comprehensive system to increase the academic level and standards of nursing performance

Knowledge and Understanding:
K1 Implement critical reasoning and clinical judgment using evidence-based research and clinical practice guidelines in the holistic management of conditions across the lifespan.
K2 Synthesize and implement up-to-date evidence to guide nursing practice
K3 Integrate advanced nursing knowledge within an ethical framework to assess, diagnose, plan, intervene and evaluate toward positive healthcare outcomes for individuals and families
K4 Integrate scientific nursing theories and appropriate theories from other disciplines for instance, quality improvement, to provide a framework for audits, research and efficient delivery of advanced nursing care.
K5 Critically evaluate research findings and develop nursing science through higher education and research; generate and translate current research.
K6 Audit and integrate quality improvement processes toward optimal health outcomes
; K7 Evaluate research knowledge (design, methodology, process) and translate current evidence into practice to achieve high quality patient care outcomes; demonstrate insights into their own personal impact as advanced practitioners within the multidisc
S1 Establish differential diagnoses, and evaluate and articulate treatment options that include pharmacological and alternative therapies, guided by evidence and clinical practice guidelines
S2 Undertake effective history taking and physical assessment skills; establish differential diagnoses, and evaluate and articulate treatment options that include pharmacological and alternative therapies, guided by evidence and clinical practice guidelin
S3 Practice advanced nursing using effective communication and coordination to implement culturally competent, safe and effective delivery of high-quality patient care using a multi- and inter-disciplinary team collaboration approach
Values, Autonomy, and Responsibility:
V1 Demonstrate an ability to develop insight into their own and others learning needs in order to advance professional nursing practice in accordance with ethical frameworks and standards of care and evidence to improve patient outcomes.
2 Demonstrate leadership with the multidisciplinary team in the coordination of safe, high quality patient- and family-centered nursing care; facilitate the education of others for improved outcomes and maintaining high standards of care; implement qualit
V3 Facilitate the education of others for improved outcomes and maintaining high standards of care; implement quality improvement processes at patient care and organizational levels

There is no special graduate attributes other than that for the university graduate attributes

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Introduction to advanced clinical nursing concepts 3
Advancing Evidence Based Practice in Nursing 3
Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Clinical Pharmacology for Qualified Nurses 3
Common and episodic conditions across the lifespan 3
Advanced Physical Health Assessment Skills 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Clinical Practicum 1 3
Chronic and complex conditions across the lifespan 3
Research and ethics for nursing practice 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Clinical Practicum 2 3
Education and leadership for advanced nursing practice 3
Dissertation 9