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About The Academic Program

The first nursing program in the specialty that meets the local and global trends and targets in accordance with Vision 2030. The program aims to prepare qualified nursing cadres in the field of geriatric healthcare and is offered in a system of coursework, a dissertation, and field training.


Community Health and Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Language of instruction



2 Years

Academic degree

Master of Science in Nursing - Gerontological Nursing

Career opportunities

• Government and private hospitals • Ministry of Health • Geriatric and geriatric care clinics • Chronic disease clinic • Mental health clinic • Comprehensive rehabilitation center • Social welfare homes for the elderly • University hospitals

Nature and Goals of the Program

• Acquire and develop skills in the field of geriatric healthcare and provide high-quality services to the community. • Provide advanced education to develop interdisciplinary research on aging to improve geriatric healthcare. • Develop strategic professional collaboration with related specialties to increase the quality of education and training to achieve excellence in geriatric nursing.

Implement advanced education to improve the nurses’ research multidisciplinary character in aging and utmost practices to improve health care of older adults.
Encourage graduate nurses to promote strategic professional collaboration with stakeholders to increase quality of education and training to achieve excellence in gerontology
Prepare competent Saudi nurse practitioners who can work in diverse and complex healthcare settings and communicate new academic knowledge in the areas of health care in aging and provide high quality service to the community

Knowledge and Understanding:
K1 Explain the theories, principles, and concepts related to specialization in the field of gerontology.
K2 Recognize the trends and issues that affect the provision of nursing care for older adults.
S1 Implement comprehensive evidence-based care practices for older adults and their families.
S2 Utilize technologies and informatics to support older adults’ care.
S3 Apply advanced nursing research, guidelines, and evidence-based practices.
S4 Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills to assess situations, analyze options, and make informed decisions for older
situations, analyze options, and make informed decisions for older adults and their families Values, Autonomy, and Responsibility:
V1 Initiate professional planning for learning and/or work, and professional development in gerontology.
V2 Comply with professional legal and ethical standards within the clinical settings.
V3 Demonstrate leadership skills and multidisciplinary teamwork at the inter-professional level and older adults’ care and their families.

Work independently in specialized settings and rely on self-sufficiency.
. Ability to master the assessment, diagnosis, and management of complex health problems commonly found in the elderly by utilizing advanced knowledge in pathophysiology, health assessment, and advanced pharmacology to enhance elderly care.
Ability to evaluate decision-making processes and critical thinking in providing high-quality care for the elderly.
Initiative in offering volunteer and community services in the field of elderly care, considering the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of elderly patients, and educating patients, families, and novice staff about aging issues and best prac
Develop strategies to screen for high-risk factors in elderly environments to assess public health policies and population health
Familiarity with healthcare technologies that enhance patient care and improve health outcomes, along with the ability to effectively utilize modern technology.
Apply advanced skills in using research and evidence-based practices to diagnose and manage primary care for the elderly.
Ability to employ knowledge in research, inquiry, and problem-solving creatively.
Pride in national identity and respect for diverse backgrounds and cultures, understanding their impact on health behaviours and access to comprehensive care.
Ability to communicate with health service recipients from various cultures. 11.Ability to develop personal skills, self-improvement, and continuous education in light of changes.
Ability to develop personal skills, self-improvement, and continuous education in light of changes.
Demonstrate leadership, entrepreneurship, flexibility, and the ability to handle challenges in aging environments, along with initiative in decision-making, responsibility-taking, and developing communication methods in the workplace with colleague.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Psychosocial Issues Impacting Aging 2
Epidemiology 2
Pathophysiology for advanced nursing practice 2
Advanced Pharmacology 2
Introduction to Gerontological Nursing 2
Introduction to Health Care Practice regarding Older Adults in KSA 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Physical Aging and Chronic Disease Management 3
Gerontology Clinical Practicum 3
Biostatistics 3
Advanced Physical Assessment 4 MSN811AND MSN812
Advanced Nursing Research 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Professional Ethics and Aging 2
Advanced Nursing Practice in Multiple Clinical Settings (Practicum) 3
Aging, Health & Well-Being 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Thesis 6