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Departments at College of Computer and Information Sciences

​​​Departments at CCIS:

- Computer Sciences Department 

Department vision:

Academic, research, and scientific excellence in computer science.


Department Mission:

Develop distinct competencies in computer science to contribute effectively to national development goals by providing an integrated interactive academic environment that develops knowledge and skills, supports innovation and scientific research, and serves the community locally and globally.

Department Objectives:

1- Preparation of female ' s academic and professional competencies in computer science to meet the needs of the labor market in an environment that promotes health and well-being.

2- Develop academic programs and pursue quality requirements and local and global academic accreditation.

3-Training and development of teaching and administrative staff to enhance the status of the department.

4- Providing female students with computer skills that keep pace with the development of computer science in order to enrich their intellectual and cognitive outcomes.

5- Academic, research, professional and community partnerships.

6- Establish and stimulate scientific research among female students and the educational body to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the building of a knowledge economy.​

​- Information Systems Department

Department Vision:

Local and global distinction and creativity in the fields of information systems, data science, and analytics.


Department Mission :

Academic, research, and community excellence in an interactive educational environment, keeping pace with developments that meet the needs of the labor market for female professionals, and utilizing knowledge in the fields of information systems, data science, and analysis, according to local and global quality standards.


Department objectives: 

1- Developing specialized academic programs in the field of information systems, data science and analysis to meet the needs of the labour market.

2- Enhancing future skills, competitiveness, and innovation.

3- Providing a technologically and intellectually supportive environment that enhances quality of life.

4- Achieving local and global quality standards and academic accreditation.

5- Activating academic and research activities to serve the community

- Information Technology Department

Department Vision:
Academic excellence in the fields of information technology and advancing scientific research according to standards that meet the requirements of the knowledge society.

Department Mission:
Preparing distinguished academic, research and technical competencies of women in the fields of information technology through an interactive educational framework that follows quality standards and achieves the college's vision of effective participation in building the digital society.

Department Objectives:
1- Preparing female competencies that keep pace with the needs of the labor market in the fields of information technology.
2- Achieving excellence in scientific research and innovation.
3- Active participation in building the digital society.
4- Developing educational and administrative cadres.
5- Activating academic and professional partnerships in the field of specialization.​