​​​​​​About the Vice Deanship:

The Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs is essential to the College of Business Administration, overseeing the educational process and ensuring program quality. It strives to realize the college's vision and mission of preparing professionals for academic and professional success in business administration. This is achieved through globally recognized educational programs and innovative partnerships that support the development of a knowledge-based economy and establish a foundation for scientific research. Additionally, it fosters a conducive learning environment with well-equipped classrooms and laboratories, maintaining high academic standards for both theoretical and practical instruction.

Key Responsibilities:

  •  Preparing the annual plan for the Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs and monitoring its implementation upon approval.

  •  Implementing regulations governing the study and examination system for undergraduate studies, ensuring compliance by affiliated units and educational departments. 

  •  Monitoring the Quality of Education and Learning Department's performance and ensuring adherence to quality management and accreditation standards across programs.  
  • Supervising academic programs and overseeing the development of new programs and curricula.
  • Overseeing the educational process within the college and ensuring an environment conducive to outstanding education.
  •  Supervising field training and standardizing related guidelines and procedures, considering the differences in specializations and programs, while collaborating with technical entities to provide high-quality cooperative training for students. 
  •  Supervising cooperative training and collaborating with organizations to secure training opportunities for students.
  •  Monitoring the Educational Affairs Department's performance through various units and committees, including exam administration and academic advising, new student programs, and committees for academic difficulties and equivalencies.  
  •  Following up on registration activities, such as entering schedules into the academic system. 
  •  Supervising faculty affairs related to teaching loads, calculating excess workload, and department councils.
  •  Monitoring laboratories and learning resources, ensuring their readiness and availability of materials. 
  •  Overseeing the preparation of college schedules and room reservations. 
  •  Reporting issues concerning the Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs to the college council. 
  •  Supervising the affairs of adjunct faculty and professional practitioners, as well as monitoring the performance of the Academic Titles Committee.   
  •  Tracking various student cases, including withdrawals, leaves of absence, and enrollment cancellations.
  •  Monitoring the e-learning unit's performance and ensuring full activation of the Blackboard system in all courses.


Affiliated Departments:

Educational Affairs Department:

  •  Handling registration and schedule preparation, with related reports submitted.
  •  Overseeing exam administration and reporting on their progress.
  •  Monitoring the educational process and providing status reports.
  •  Following up on faculty workload issues.
  •  Developing and monitoring an academic advising plan in collaboration with academic departments.
  •  Activating educational process committees, including committees of academic advising, academic difficulties, and equivalencies.

Quality of Education and Learning Department:

  Implementing academic accreditation standards across all programs, curricula, and courses.

 Promoting a culture of quality and academic accreditation.

 Monitoring continuous improvement processes for college programs.

 Following up on the activation of surveys concerning quality and performance indicators.

Laboratories and Learning Resources Department:

Supervising college laboratories and regularly inventorying contents while assessing equipment condition and ensuring periodic maintenance.

Monitoring practical lectures and tests in laboratories, ensuring safety and security procedures are followed.

Identifying equipment and software needs for laboratory preparation.

E-Learning Unit:

  • ​ Working on licensing for e-learning tracks.
  • Monitoring e-programs and courses inventory within the college.
  •  Providing contact information of faculty and e-course coordinators.
  •  Overseeing Blackboard activation and assisting coordinators with technical issues.
  • Promoting e-learning awareness among faculty and students.
  • Addressing initial inquiries from faculty and students and directing them to technical support.
  • Communicating regularly with the e-learning department and reporting any issues encountered.
  • Submitting periodic reports on course development and activation to the e-learning department.

Cooperative Training Unit

Supervising cooperative training and collaborating with organizations, companies, and ministries to provide training opportunities for students.​

Library Unit:​

Supervising the college library and providing and updating references according to the college's needs.​