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About The Academic Program

Prepare qualified female professionals, who have knowledge, skills and competencies required in the field of human resources management, capable of competing and achieving the requirements of the market and society.


Human Resources Management

Language of instruction



4 Years

Academic degree

Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management

Career opportunities

The program qualifies female administrative cadres to work in various administrative sectors in the field of human resources.

Nature and Goals of the Program

Employ the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for the graduate to meet the needs of the market in the field of human resources management. Provide the graduate with leadership and communication skills to enhance her ability to lead in the market. Enable the graduate to link concepts and theories in the field of human resources and apply them in the market. Develop the graduate's creative and critical thinking skills in the field of human resources management. Develop graduate planning, analysis and decision-making skills in the field of human resources management. Provide the graduate with the essentials of social responsibility and community service in the field of human resources management, considering work ethics.

1 Employ the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for the graduate to meet the needs of the market in the field of human resources management.
2 Provide the graduate with leadership and communication skills to enhance her ability to lead in the market.
3 Enable the graduate to link concepts and theories in the field of human resources and apply them in the market
4 Develop graduate planning, analysis and decision-making skills in the field of human resources management.

1 Clarify the concepts of shared assumptions, values and beliefs, laws, functions and theories of Human Resource Management.
2 Understand the emerging Human Resource Management practices concerning performance and development of employees globally.
3 Apply methodologies and framework of critical thinking and strategic decision making to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.
4 Evaluate recent market trends in Human Resource Management nationally and internationally to communicate and propose business solutions for gaining competitive advantage.
5 Use advanced HR knowledge, tools, and techniques for high performance work system within the organization to improve employee productivity, efficiency, decision making ability and effectiveness
6 Develop equitable, ethical, and global policies from planning to retaining Human capital
7 Demonstrate leadership, teamwork and social responsibility guided by integrity to accomplish Business goals and objectives

1 Knowledgeable.
2 Innovative.
3 Solution - Oriented.
4 Effective Communicators.
5 Socially & Ethically Responsible.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit
Ethics and Islamic Values 2
Islamic Banking and Economics 2
Community Building in Islam 2
English Language (1) 3
English Language (2) 3

Course Code Course Title Credit
Communication Skills 2
Creative Writing 2
Writing Academic Reports 2
Emotional Intelligence Course 2
Basics of Entrepreneurship 2
Principles of Projects Management 2
Giftedness and Mental Superiority 2
Principles of E-Commerce 2
Financial Literacy 2
Leadership and Change Management 2
Health Awareness 2
Poetry and Prose in Arabic Literature 2
Well-Being and Quality of Life 2
Fitness and Sport Science 2
Sustainable Development 2
Global Citizenship 2
Lifelong Learning Skills 2
Sustainable Ecosystems 2
History of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its Pioneering Role 2
Community Building in Islam 2
Good Citizenship Values 2
Saudi Arts and Heritage 2
Studies in Saudi Literature 2
Computer Skills and Information Technology 2
Basics of Programming 2
Data Analysis and Management 2
Artificial Intelligence For Healthcare Disciplines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Scientific Discipines 2
Artificial Intelligence For Humanities Disciplines 2

Course Code Course Title Credit

Course Code Course Title Credit
Talent Management 3
Occupational Safety and Health 3
Digital Marketing 3
Negotiation and Conflict Management 3
Human Resources Information Systems 3
Selected Topics in Human Resources Management 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Principles of Business Administration 3
Business Skills I 3
English language (1) 3
General Statistics 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Digital Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise 3 BUS101OR BUS101TOR BUS101MOR DBM110OR MT116
English language (2) 3 ENG101-1OR ( ENG101AND ENG102 )
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3
Business Skills II 3 BUS161OR BUS241TOR DBS103OR DBS103T
Math for Business 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Principles of Marketing 3 BUS101OR BUS101TOR BUS101MOR DBM110
Principles of Financial Accounting 3
Management Information Systems 3 BUS101OR BUS101TOR BUS101MOR DBM110
Principles of Microeconomics 3
Business Statistics 3 MaSc160MOR MATH161OR MATH162OR DBS105OR MATH261T

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Principles of Cost and Managerial Accounting 3 ( ACCT201OR ACCT102TOR ACCT103MOR DBA130TOR DBA130 )
Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECON101MOR ECON101TOR ECON201OR MT101OR DBE120
Principles of Finance 3 ACCT201OR ACCT102TOR ACCT103M
Human Resources Management 3 BUS101OR BUS101TOR BUS101MOR CBUS112OR CBUS112TOR DBM110OR MT116
Organizational Behavior 3 BUS101OR BUS101TOR BUS101MOR CBUS112OR CBUS112TOR DBM110OR MT116
Commercial Law 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Managerial Leadership 3 BUS212OR BUS211TOR BUS211MOR HRM214
Entrepreneurship 3
Introduction to Organizational Culture 3 HRM214OR BUS212OR BUS211TOR BUS211M
Staffing Management 3 HRM213OR BUS313OR BUS212TOR BUS311MOR DBM212T
Performance Management 3 HRM213OR BUS313OR BUS212TOR BUS311M

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Compensation and benefits Management 3 HRM213OR BUS313OR BUS212TOR BUS311MOR DBM212T
Employee Learning and Development 3 HRM213OR BUS313OR BUS212TOR BUS311MOR DBM212T
Human Resources Analytics 3 ECON261
Global Human Resources Management 3 HRM311

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Strategic Management 3
Strategic Human Resources Management 3 HRM213OR BUS313OR BUS212TOR BUS311MOR DBM212T
Saudi Labor law 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
CO-OP Training 6