Researcher Responsibilities:
• The researcher must adhere to the publication standards set by the Biodiversity Research Journal as Research and Publication Ethics.
• The researcher should respect academic integrity and intellectual property rights, ensuring that his work is free of plagiarism.
• In the case of joint publication, all contributors' consent is required, along with a statement of each contributor's effort.
• The researcher should not submit previously published research it elsewhere fully or partially in any form or language. He should not submit the research to any other journal while being under review by this journal. Upon acceptance, he should not be republished without prior written consent from the Editor-in-Chief.
• The researcher should disclose any potential conflicts of interest and report all sources of funding for the research.
• The researcher should report to the Editor-in-Chief to correct or remove any significant error that he discovers in his published work.
•Articles published in the journal represent the authors' views and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, or the Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia. The researcher is fully responsible for the content of the research.
Reviewer Responsibilities:
• The Reviewer should respond to the initial invitation to review within three days and complete the review within two weeks of his acceptance to review.
• Reviewers should be committed to the scientific integrity in reviewing the research and not biased for any reason.
• The Reviewer should decline to review when the manuscript is outside his area of expertise or when lacking enough experience.
• The Reviewer should treat the manuscripts he received for review as confidential documents and should not disclose or discuss them with others except what the Editor-in-Chief's permits.
• The Reviewer should not use the manuscript under review in any way for personal or others' benefit without rights.
• The Reviewer should make his comments on the research detailed according to the approved Review Form, not only making general check and review. He should focus his comments on the research not on the researcher.
• In case of plagiarism the Reviewer should indicate the relevant sections and provide evidence.
Editorial Board Responsibilities:
• The Editorial Board ensures the quality of submitted scientific research and assigns them to qualified reviewers.
• Reviewers are selected to represent diverse geographical regions and should not all belong to the same institution.
• The Editorial Board respects researcher justified requests to exclude specific reviewers, before assigning them, and requires disclosure of conflicts of interest before review assignment.
• The Editorial Board acts with integrity, fairness, and without illegal discrimination between researchers.
• The Editorial Board gives the Researchers a reasonable opportunity to respond to reviewer comments.
• The Editorial Board maintains confidentiality of research and researcher information during the review process.
• The Editor-in-Chief notifies the author of the accepted research and the specific issue in which it will be published.