Content Requirements:
• The researcher's name and affiliation should follow the title, presented in both Arabic and English. The researcher's email should be included in the footnote.
• A summary in both Arabic and English, not exceeding 250 words, must be provided, covering the research topic, objectives, methodology, key findings, and main recommendations, with careful editing.
• The manuscript should include the following sections:
• Introduction: including the problem statement along with theoretical background and previous studies.
• Study Questions and Objectives / Hypotheses.
• Importance and Limitations of the Study.
• Study Procedures: Includes research method, population and sample, study tools, operational definitions of terms, validity, reliability of the tool and study methods, and data analysis methods.
• Results: Description and commentary on study findings.
• Discussion: Interpretation and discussion of results in light of previous studies
• References: A complete list of references.
• The journal follows the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.
• Quranic verses should include the Verse number and Surah's name, and the source and details of publication when citing Hadith.
• Within the –text, references should include the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses. For example, “Abdullah (2016) noted…" for direct references, and “(Abdullah, 2016)." for indirect references. For quotations, the page number should also be included: “(Abdullah, 2016: 26)."
• References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript as follows:
• Books: Author's last name, first name (Publication year). Title, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.
• Journal Articles: Author's last name, first name, (Year). Article title. Journal Name, Issue, Pages, Place of publication.
• Conference Papers: Author's last name, first name (Year of Conference). Paper title, Conference Title, Place, and Date of Conference.
• Internet sites: Author's last name, first name. Article/Research title. Website, Date accessed.
• Abbreviations should be written in full when first mentioned.