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Admission Terms and Conditions

Undergraduate programs


Click here to view Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University's admission guide for the academic year 1442H.


Admission Conditions:

New student's admission conditions:

  1. The student must be a Saudi national.
  2. The student achieves a high school certificate from a Saudi school or an equalized one.
  3. High school graduation year should not exceed 5 years.
  4. Each student (whether has graduated from a local high school, a foreign one, or studied national or international programs) must have taken the General Aptitude Test (GAT) and an Academic Achievement Test from the National Center for Assessment.
  5. The student must pass any required interview or placement test.
  6. The student must be medically fit.
  7. The student must meet any acceptance criteria announced or set by the University's Board during the application process.
  8. Health College's students must be medically and psychologically fit. If proven otherwise, the university has the right to transfer the student to a different major.
  9. The student must not be registered, accepted, dismissed for disciplinary action, or has previously obtained a bachelor's degree from any public or private university in Saudi Arabia. If proven otherwise, the university may cancel the acceptance.
  10. The student must not have any previous record in the university.
    Admission Criteria:
    Admission in Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University is done based on the high school accumulative percentage (an accumulation of different percentages of high school degree, General Aptitude Test (GAT), and Academic Achievement Test).
    Scientific and Health Colleges:
    The accumulative percentage is calculated on the basis of 30% on high school degree, 30% on General Aptitude Test (GAT), and 40% on Academic Achievement Test.
    Humanities and Community College:
    The accumulative percentage is calculated on the basis of 50% on high school degree, 25% on General Aptitude Test (GAT), and 25% on Academic Achievement Test.
    Click here to view Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University's admission guide for the academic year 1440/ 1439H.
    The Required Admission Documentation:
    Saudi Students: No documentation needed as the admission notice will be sent electronically.
    Non-Saudi Students of Saudi Mothers: Students must attend during the announced period with the following documents:
  1. Two copies of the national iqama card and passport.
  2. The birth certificate and two copies of it.
  3. The mother's national id card and two copies of it.
    Admission Procedures in Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University:
  1. Access the unified e-admission portal for public universities and technical colleges in Riyadh to check the schedule and abide by the announced admission procedures and dates.
  2. Pass any required interview or test.
  3. Acceptance will be announced in the unified e-admission portal for public universities and technical college, according to the acceptance criteria, student's preference, and seat availability in the colleges.
  4. Student must approve the acceptance in the unified e-admission portal during the set period.
  5. Accepted students' information will be entered in the university's academic system and students will be assigned id numbers.
  6. Text messages will be sent to accepted students including the student's id, password, and a guide to access the university's system and e-mail.
  7. The student should check the university's website for dates of English language placement test, and procedure to issue the student id card as well as the ATM card.
    The student should check for updates on her academic account and e-mail address on a regular basis.
    The cases in which a student's acceptance is revoked are the following:
  1. Violating the declared admission conditions.
  2. The applicant has entered incorrect data in the online admission application.
  3. Failure to attend any required interview or test.
  4. Failure to complete the admission procedures within the stated period.
  5. The applicant has a previous record at the university.
  6. The applicant has been admitted to another university according to the data received from the Ministry of Education.
    Postgraduate programs
    please click here to apply for the postgraduate programs at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University for the academic year 1442 H.

    International programs:

    • College of Nursing programs in partnership with Dublin City University
    • College of Business Administration programs in partnership with Dublin City University
      Local programs offered by:

    • College of Arts
    • College of Science
    •  College of Education
    • College of Languages
    • College of Art and Design
    • College of Social Work
    • College of Computer and Information Sciences

       Diploma programs