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Graduates Association


The College of Pharmacy Graduates Association was established in 1438-1439 for the aim of strengthen and support constant communication between graduates and the college, and following up on them to encourage and highlight the distinguished graduates and their success to motivate others.

Graduates’ Association active programs:

1) Graduates Ambassadors program: It is a program in which some graduates are elected as ambassadors for their batch to create an effective communication with all the college graduates in cooperation with their colleagues
2) Graduates annual forum: It is an event to honor the college's graduates who are distinguished professionally within approved standards.
Tasks of graduate's ambassadors:
1) A focal point between the college administration and the graduates
2) Cooperate with the college in planning of increasing the rate of response to the questionnaires and employers
3) Attend workshops held in cooperation with graduates
4) Represent graduates in the various committees of the college
Graduates who are eligible for of nomination:
1) Good behavior profile          
2) GPA is not less than 3.50         
3) Cooperation with graduates’ unit in previous areas          
4) Active participation in college and university activities