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Deanship of Development and Skills Development conducts a Training Course entitled (Smart Shopping and Loans) for Academic Staff
​Deanship of Development and Skills Development is pleased to conduct a training course entitled
(Smart Shopping and Loans) for Academic Staff
With the aim of activating the agreement between Social Development Bank and Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University in the field of financial awareness for the academic year (1439 - 1440 AH)

Deanship of Development and Skills Development conducts a training course entitled
(Smart Shopping and Loans) 
for Academic Staff 
on Monday, 13/06/1440 AH, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Administration Building - Deanship of Development and Skills Development, PO6, Class 1.206.18

Presented by Trainer/ Khawatir Al-Khwaiter

The trainees who attend this course will be:
•A certified trainer in these training courses.
•A coordinator between her college and Social Development Bank.

Steps of registration in training courses organized by Deanship of Development and Skills Development for Academic Staff are on the following link:
-Deanship of Development and Skills Development-
For inquiry and communication:
Ms. Ghalia Al-Turbaq
Ext.: 42606