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Start of courses at Arabic Language Institute for Non-Arabic speakers, the second semester 1438-1439 AHStart of courses at Arabic Language Institute for Non-Arabic speakers, the second semester 1438-1439 AH

​Arabic Language Institute for Non-Arabic speakers announces the start of registration in educational courses for general purposes.



1.    The applicant must not be less than 16 years old.

2.    Provide a valid copy of residence permit as well as the passport.


Duration of one Course:

·        6 weeks, 3 days a week, 3 hours per day, with total of 54 hours.

·        Morning period: From 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

·        Evening period: From 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

·        Considering flexibility in changing times, days, and location for groups.


Course Fees:

·        SR 1,500 per course including books (special discount for groups).

·        SR 100 as registration fees.


Placement Test:

·        On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 5-6-7 of Jumada I, 1439 AH, corresponding to 22-23-24 January 2018.

·        We receive students for placement test throughout the three days from 9:00 am to 12 pm.

·        Registration is closed two days before start of the specified course.

·        The course starts once the seats are complete.


The first course begins on:

11th Jumada I, 1439 AH corresponding to 28th January 2018 AD.


Ends on:

20 Jumada II 1439 AH corresponding to March 8, 2018.


The second course begins on:

1st Rajab 1439 AH corresponding to March 18, 2018.


Ends on:

11th of Shaban, 1439 AH, corresponding to April 27, 2018.


For more information:

​​Office: 0118241381 - 011824180


Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, A5 Station, Building 111, 3rd Floor - Suite No. 3.309

Note: the Institute provides a diploma program with tuition fees, for more information about it, please call: 0118241373