-Awareness Session on Drug Prevention:
-Raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse
-Enhancing understanding of the transitional phase from general to higher education and its significance.
-Assessing the need to promote students' awareness about their future and its challenges.
-Identifying risk factors related to smoking and drug use in university settings.
-Highlighting the importance of early detection of negative behaviours and addressing them.
-Emphasizing the significance of diverse interventions to address negative behaviours in university learning environments
-Lecture: The Therapist as a Core Element in the Therapeutic Process:
-Developing a comprehensive understanding of psychotherapy approaches
-Understanding the therapist's self and its efficiency
-Exploring how the therapist's self impacts the quality of counseling processes.
-Utilizing this understanding to select the most effective therapeutic approach and implementation methods.
-Seminar: Happiness in Retirement:
Understanding the role of retirees towards themselves and other entities during retirement.
-Discussing the key challenges of this phase
-Lecture: The PERMA Model for Psychological Well-being
-Introducing the PERMA theory of happiness
-Recognizing the importance of enhancing positive emotions
-Explaining engagement/involvement
-Cultivating supportive relationships and fostering a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
-Understanding how to strive for achievement, competence, and mastery
Applying the PERMA theory of happiness in practice
-Lecture: The 3Bs Model for Quality of Life:
-Understanding cognitive and theoretical concepts that explain quality of life and well-being.
-Applying positive skills that contribute to quality of life and well-being
Adopting a positive attitude toward knowledge, skills, and practices to achieve well-being and mental health.
Activities and Contributions:
-Participation in National Day 93 celebrations
-Observance of World Smile Day
-Celebrating World Mental Health Day in collaboration with the Guidance and Counselling Department at the Riyadh Education Administration.
-Setting up an association booth at the “Winter Outing" event
Participation in the 10th Associations Forum held at King Saud University.
-Participation in the King Abdulaziz University Forum
-Sponsoring workshops on school psychology held at Princess Noura University schools.
Journals and Research:
-Publishing the first, second, third, and fourth issues of the Saudi Scientific Journal for Psychological Counselling.
-Ongoing work on validating the Character Strengths Scale>