1. All research is subject to preliminary examination by the editorial board to determine its eligibility for evaluation, and then arbitration by the advisory committee to determine its eligibility for publication.

2. If the research is accepted, the researcher is notified of (accepting the research for publication), and the journal has the right to apologize for accepting any research without giving reasons, and a letter (apology) is sent to the researcher, and research is not returned whether it is accepted for publication or not.

3. In the event that the research is accepted for publication, all publishing rights shall be transferred to the journal, and it may not be published in any other paper or electronic publishing outlet, without written permission from the editor-in-chief.

4. Submitting the research is an acceptance by the researcher of (the terms of publication in the journal), and he/she is obligated to make the amendments within a period not exceeding one month from the date of notification, and the editorial board has the right to determine the priorities for publishing research.

5.  In the event of (publishing the research), the researcher is granted a free copy of the journal issue in which his/her research was published.

6.  The opinions expressed in the published research reflect the viewpoint of the researchers only, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the journal.