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Admission is open to apply for non-Saudis students females residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to study for the academic year 1443 AH

Princess Nourah  Bint  Abdulrahman University announces the admission of  non-Saudi students females residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and non- citizen students (Qabaayil Naaziha from a non-Saudi mother) according to the internal scholarship system for the next  academic year 1443AH

**Important Note**

: Non-Saudi female students from a Saudi mother can apply through the Unified electronic Admission Portal at the link

The application is submitted by filling in the required data via the link.

2- For Conditions of acceptance of the internal grant system and admission criteria and the required documents "clik here"

3-Notice: Any requests will be accepted only through the link.

4-The date of submission of the Application for admission to study at the university.​

Gregorian DateThe Hijri dateTodaySubject
7/7/2021 G27/11/1442 AHWednesdayThe beginning of the submission of the request
11/7/2021 G1/12/1441 AHSundayThe end of the submission of the request​

General Provisions & Notes: 

1.      1. You can view the specialization guide to find out the language of study for each specialization.

2.      Any application that does not meet the required conditions and documents shall be excluded.

3.      Submission of several applications for admission by female applicant during same term shall result in cancelation of all applications submitted thereby. 

4.      Application for admission at PNU and approval thereon electronically shall not mean final admission, as admitted female student shall be notified thereof.

5.      Female applicant shall undertake validity of all data and documents entered into application thereof. In the event of proofing otherwise, PNU shall have the right to exclude such application.

6.      As per stipulated in non-Saudis admission and care control in higher education institutions in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regulation by virtue of Council of Ministers' Resolution No. (94) dated 29/3/1431H- 15/03/2010 G,

-       If the original program period has expired, it  not be extended by more than half of it.

-       Scholarship female student shall be subject to residence law in KSA.

-       Scholarship female student shall not be entitled to transfer from PNU to another university, and PNU shall have the right to exclude cases deemed appropriate thereby.

-       PNU shall inform relevant official authorities in KSA of scholarship female students whose deferment, postponement or withdrawal has been accepted as well as scholarship female students who have dropped out of school for any reason, to take required actions.

Registration link:​

Clik here​

Communicate for internal grants:

Send an e-mail to :


0096611 8243542

0096611 8243341

0096611 8243346

0096611 8243205

0096611 8243454

0096611 8243171

* Contact during working hours from 8 am to 1:30 pm

News Title
• Admission is open to apply for non-Saudis students females residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to study for the academic year 1446 AH
• Admission is open to apply for non-Saudis students females residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to study for the academic year 1445 AH
• Admission is open to apply for non-Saudis students females residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to study in Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
• Admission is open to apply for study grants external system to non-Saudi for the academic year 1444 AH
• Admission is open to apply for study grants external system to non-Saudi for the academic year 1443 AH
• Admission is open to apply for non-Saudis students females residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to study for the academic year 1442 AH
• Make Excuse for studying a course in the second semester 1441 AH
• Admission is open to apply for study grants external system to non-Saudi for the academic year 1442 AH
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• Deanship of Admission and Registration in Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University announces that the dates of entering the major preferences for students who are qualified for specialization in the First Semester of Academic Year 1441 AH
• Deanship of Admission and Registration announces the dates for delivery of the renewed ATM Cards for the students of Batch 37
• Deanship of Admission and Registration announces postponing the dates of internal transfer, specialization, registration and early guidance
• Dates of delivery the second batch of ATM card to the admitted students in the academic year 1441 AH