Hamido Fujita, Ph.D, Distinguished Professor
Contact data:
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknoloji Malaysia
Executive Chairman of i-SOMET Incorporated Association,
Distinguished Professor at Regional Research Center
Iwate Prefectural University, Iwate, Japan
Postal address:
Pavilion Ceylon Hills, No.5 Chankat Raja Chulan C-37-02
Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia 50200, Telephone +60-19-731-1489
email: fujitahamido@utm.my, HFujita-799@acm.org, hfujita@i-somet.org issam@iwate-pu.ac.jp
Japanese national
Web of Science Researcher ID: D-6249-2012
Chairman of i-SOMET Incorporated Association https://i-somet.org
Director of Intelligent Software Systems Laboratory to design new software techniques based on cognitive interaction between human and machines, and intelligent decision making based on Medical Knowledge for medical decision making application.
- Professor (VK7) Universiti Tekonologi Malaysia (MJIIT)
- Director of Intelligent Software Systems Laboratory to design new software techniques based on cognitive interaction between human and machines, and intelligent decision making based on Medical Knowledge for medical decision making application.
- Distinguished Research Professor, University of Granada,
- He has supervised many graduate students: 31 Ph.D students and 53 master students are graduated under my supervision in the past 22 years.
In 2018: He provided interviews in films production on AI in health care.
AI and Health Care: https://youtu.be/hRPZpmqAKKY
The Future of MAP: https://youtu.be/F5iIXMkPFnY
Analyzing Big Data: https://youtu.be/MUwC7g2uNwk
AI is delay life: https://youtu.be/P8LfO4Bskpc
Online Interview on Educational System in Machine Learning organized by https://portal.insticc.org/
Mohamed Mejri, Bechir Ktari, Hamido Fujita (HEAD) 2004 Japanese: WO2004081788: Static analysis method for word-oriented software; https://www.google.co.jp/patents/WO2004081788A1?dq=CA2518498&cl=en
Mohamed Mejri, Bechir Ktari, Hamido Fujita(HEAD) 2005 Japanese: WO2005029323: Software Generation Method; 2005 Canadian: CA2518498: Static analysis method for word-oriented software; https://www.google.co.jp/patents/CA2518498A1?dq=CA2518498&cl=en
Mohamed Mejri, Bechir Ktari, Hamido Fujita(HEAD) 2005 Canadian: CA2539794: Software Generation Method; https://www.google.co.jp/patents/CA2539794A1?cl=en&dq=CA2539794&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXn83amarXAhXBXLwKHcqIC8MQ6AEIKDAA
Mohamed Mejri, Bechir Ktari, Hamido Fujita(HEAD) 2006 European: EP1637990: Static analysis method for legacy software; https://www.google.co.jp/patents/EP1637990A1?dq=CA2518498&cl=en
These are the original patent to provide the basic technology in legacy conversions by defining the requirement using words that are converted into source program. These patents: Static analysis and automatic code generation are registered in Japan, Canada, EU, US, and China. It is static analysis for binary code of old program. These programs were used in handling business transactions of millions of customers' data in banking and social insurance. The improvements stated in these patents were enhancing the program conversion automation technology in systems applications. The He is the project leader who provided the main mathematical structures other were research associates.