تسجيل الدخول

سابيه بيتي ساكري

أستاذ مساعد
القسم :
نظم المعلومات
التخصص العام :
نظم معلومات
التخصص الدقيق :
نظم معلومات

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

She received her B.Sc. degree in computer science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, in 1985. She earned her M.Sc. degree in information science from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1997 and her Ph.D. in information security from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2007. Currently, she is lecturing at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia. Her research areas are data analytics, big data, information security, machine learning

المناصب الحالية

Member of the IS Program Committee

Member of the DS Program Committee

Member of the Graduation Project Evaluation Committee

Member of the Standardized Exam Committee

Member of the Equation Committee

Member of the Examination and Evaluation Committee


جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
23767 إدارة وأمن الحوسبة السحابية 14:00 14:50
وصف المقرر

23729 إدارة وأمن الحوسبة السحابية 11:00 11:50
وصف المقرر

23767 إدارة وأمن الحوسبة السحابية 15:00 15:50
وصف المقرر

23729 إدارة وأمن الحوسبة السحابية 10:00 10:50
وصف المقرر

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
23767 إدارة وأمن الحوسبة السحابية 13:00 14:40
وصف المقرر

23729 إدارة وأمن الحوسبة السحابية 10:00 11:40
وصف المقرر

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
20899 مشروع التخرج (2) 10:00 11:40
وصف المقرر

20899 مشروع التخرج (2) 13:00 14:40
وصف المقرر

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
21871 نظم دعم اتخاذ القرار 13:00 14:40
وصف المقرر

Advance course is intended to cover the fundamental concepts and techniques of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and its components, types and characteristics. This course is intended to develop an appreciation of the nature of managerial business decision-making as well as a working knowledge of Decision Support Systems for facilitating the process of semi-structured and non-structured decision-making. Issues associated with the development of these systems are introduced, along with some of the underlying mathematical modelling techniques that provide DSS with a problem-solving capability such as linear programming and others. Moreover, student can demonstrate and understand the fundamental principles and capabilities of Groupware and Group Support Systems (GSS), Knowledge Management (KM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge-based Systems (KS) and learn what expert systems and reasoning genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, intelligent software agents, etc. which are used to develop intelligent decision support systems (DSS).

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
21871 نظم دعم اتخاذ القرار 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

Advance course is intended to cover the fundamental concepts and techniques of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and its components, types and characteristics. This course is intended to develop an appreciation of the nature of managerial business decision-making as well as a working knowledge of Decision Support Systems for facilitating the process of semi-structured and non-structured decision-making. Issues associated with the development of these systems are introduced, along with some of the underlying mathematical modelling techniques that provide DSS with a problem-solving capability such as linear programming and others. Moreover, student can demonstrate and understand the fundamental principles and capabilities of Groupware and Group Support Systems (GSS), Knowledge Management (KM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge-based Systems (KS) and learn what expert systems and reasoning genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, intelligent software agents, etc. which are used to develop intelligent decision support systems (DSS).

21871 نظم دعم اتخاذ القرار 14:00 14:50
وصف المقرر

Advance course is intended to cover the fundamental concepts and techniques of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and its components, types and characteristics. This course is intended to develop an appreciation of the nature of managerial business decision-making as well as a working knowledge of Decision Support Systems for facilitating the process of semi-structured and non-structured decision-making. Issues associated with the development of these systems are introduced, along with some of the underlying mathematical modelling techniques that provide DSS with a problem-solving capability such as linear programming and others. Moreover, student can demonstrate and understand the fundamental principles and capabilities of Groupware and Group Support Systems (GSS), Knowledge Management (KM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge-based Systems (KS) and learn what expert systems and reasoning genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, intelligent software agents, etc. which are used to develop intelligent decision support systems (DSS).