تسجيل الدخول

نسرين ناصر بخيت العواجي

أستاذ مشارك
القسم :
علوم الاتصال الصحي
التخصص العام :
علوم التواصل البشري
التخصص الدقيق :
علوم التواصل البشري

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

I am Dr. Nisreen Naser Al Awaji, an Associate Professor in the Speech and Swallowing Pathology Program at Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, where I also serve as the Head of Health Communication Sciences. In addition, I am a Consultant Speech-Language Pathologist at King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz University Hospital. I hold a PhD in Human Communication Sciences and a Master of Science in Speech and Cleft Palate from the University of Sheffield, along with a Fellowship in Higher Education (FHEA). My research centers on speech and language disorders, swallowing disorders, and the impact of rehabilitation services on children with disabilities. Over the years, I have published extensively in reputable journals, contributing to the advancement of speech and language pathology through both research and clinical practice.

المناصب الحالية


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