تسجيل الدخول

هاله عبدالكريم البرجي

أستاذ مشارك
القسم :
التخصص العام :
طرق ماليه ومحاسبة
التخصص الدقيق :
طرق ماليه ومحاسبة

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

المناصب الحالية


جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
21007 المحاسبة المالية المتقدمة 09:00 09:50
وصف المقرر

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT 311) is an Accounting program requirement. It is provided as a core course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-1-3). This course is designed to cover related topics of business combinations and their effects on financial reporting and disclosure. It examines different business combinations forms and the accounting procedures for each, with more emphasis on the consolidated financial statements, and intercompany transactions. Additionally, this course focuses on partnerships formation, changes in equity and liquidations, as well as corporate liquidations and reorganizations.

21048 المحاسبة المالية المتقدمة 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT 311) is an Accounting program requirement. It is provided as a core course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-1-3). This course is designed to cover related topics of business combinations and their effects on financial reporting and disclosure. It examines different business combinations forms and the accounting procedures for each, with more emphasis on the consolidated financial statements, and intercompany transactions. Additionally, this course focuses on partnerships formation, changes in equity and liquidations, as well as corporate liquidations and reorganizations.

21007 المحاسبة المالية المتقدمة 08:00 08:50
وصف المقرر

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT 311) is an Accounting program requirement. It is provided as a core course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-1-3). This course is designed to cover related topics of business combinations and their effects on financial reporting and disclosure. It examines different business combinations forms and the accounting procedures for each, with more emphasis on the consolidated financial statements, and intercompany transactions. Additionally, this course focuses on partnerships formation, changes in equity and liquidations, as well as corporate liquidations and reorganizations.

21048 المحاسبة المالية المتقدمة 14:00 14:50
وصف المقرر

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT 311) is an Accounting program requirement. It is provided as a core course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-1-3). This course is designed to cover related topics of business combinations and their effects on financial reporting and disclosure. It examines different business combinations forms and the accounting procedures for each, with more emphasis on the consolidated financial statements, and intercompany transactions. Additionally, this course focuses on partnerships formation, changes in equity and liquidations, as well as corporate liquidations and reorganizations.

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
21007 المحاسبة المالية المتقدمة 08:00 09:40
وصف المقرر

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT 311) is an Accounting program requirement. It is provided as a core course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-1-3). This course is designed to cover related topics of business combinations and their effects on financial reporting and disclosure. It examines different business combinations forms and the accounting procedures for each, with more emphasis on the consolidated financial statements, and intercompany transactions. Additionally, this course focuses on partnerships formation, changes in equity and liquidations, as well as corporate liquidations and reorganizations.

21172 قضايا محاسبية معاصرة 11:00 11:50
وصف المقرر

Contemporary Accounting Issues (ACCT 433) is an Accounting program course. It is provided as an elective course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-0-3). The course enables students to identify and analyze the developments of contemporary and emerging accounting issues both in theoretical and practical aspects. It will provide students with an understanding of the product of the financial statements, the importance of environmental accounting and corporate social responsibility, Corporate governance, Earnings management, Fair Value accounting, and the role of theory in determining the impact of accounting in the economic environment.

21048 المحاسبة المالية المتقدمة 13:00 14:40
وصف المقرر

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT 311) is an Accounting program requirement. It is provided as a core course on year four level seven with three credit hours (3-1-3). This course is designed to cover related topics of business combinations and their effects on financial reporting and disclosure. It examines different business combinations forms and the accounting procedures for each, with more emphasis on the consolidated financial statements, and intercompany transactions. Additionally, this course focuses on partnerships formation, changes in equity and liquidations, as well as corporate liquidations and reorganizations.