تسجيل الدخول

العنود عبدالعزيز عبدالرحمن الغانم

أستاذ مساعد
القسم :
الأدب الإنجليزي
التخصص العام :
اللغة الإنجليزية وادابها
التخصص الدقيق :
أدب انجليزي

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

المناصب الحالية


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رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
22768 سيمفونية الشعر ما قبل الحداثة 13:00 15:30
وصف المقرر

This course centers on poetic pieces produced by famous poets during premodern era: the Tudors, Elizabethan, Neoclassical, Romantic and Victorian period. Introduction and adaptation of themes, models, and major verse forms from other European traditions and classical literature will be highlighted.  The wit and elaborate style employed by the metaphysical poets is one of the course’s considerable values.  Poems by leading figures of the sixteenth to the nineteenth century will be explored and analyzed. The course will then gradually center on emphasis in poetry moved from morality and reason of the sixteenth and seventeenth century to Nature and religion in eighteenth century, then describe shifts that occurred in the treatment of nature, art, the rise of materialism, and the role of women in the nineteenth century. The topic of Imperialism will also be addressed as one of the main topics in the Victorian period.

22012 الشعر في القرن الثامن عشر 08:00 10:30
وصف المقرر

This course provides students with grounding knowledge of some of the basic theories, concepts and skills of criticism. It is a course in the history of ideas related to the criticism of literature and literary texts. First, it introduces students to some of the major elements of any critical textual analysis with samples analyses to improve their critical skills. Then, it includes a survey of literary criticism with an emphasis on the most prominent critics, texts, schools, and ideas from the Classical Age till the 19th century. This survey includes Plato, Aristotle, Horace, Longinus, Sidney, Dryden, Pope, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Arnold.

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
22307 الشعر الحديث 08:00 10:30
وصف المقرر