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About The Academic Program

Prepare professionals and specialists with the knowledge and skills, required to participate in the innovation, development, and sustainability of clean energy locally and globally


بيني - الفيزياء والكيمياء

Language of instruction



5 Years

Academic degree

MSc in Energy Innovation

Career opportunities

1. Energy engineer, solar energy engineer, renewable energy engineer 2. Energy consultants, solar energy consultants 3. Energy Sales Leader 4. Energy Leader 5. Solar energy technician 6. Wind turbine expert 7. Hydrocarbon Technology Specialist 8. Researcher Scientist /Academic 9. Solar Electrical Technicians

Nature and Goals of the Program

Equip graduates with sound knowledge and skills required to participate in the process of future energy production, storage, and distribution. Extend the ability to contribute to the design of renewable and sustainable energy systems. Empower leadership, and critical thinking to evaluate, appraise, and provide solutions to the current energy and environmental crisis. Gain proficiency in project design and implementation.

Study Plan

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
The Physics of Energy-Fundamentals 3
Challenges and opportunities of renewable energy for power systems 3
Simulation and modelling anatysis 2
Social and Economic Imptications of Green Energy 2
Hydrocarbon Energy 3
Wind, Wave, Tidal, Hydropower (1) 3
Solar Energy (1) 3
Hydrogen Energy 3

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Materials and Device Charaeterization 3
Environmental impact and implications of energy production 3
Biofuels and The Circular Economy 3
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration. 3 EIM815
Energy Storage. 3 EIM818
Wind, Wave, Tidal, Hydropower(2) 3 EIM817
Solar Energy (2) 3 EIM816

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Project Management and Research Skills 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
Thesis 6 EIM831