​About the Vice Deanship

The Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs at the College of Pharmacy has an important role in achieving the vision and mission of the college, as it is concerned with developing educational programs in accordance with the highest scientific and professional standards, following up the progress of the educational process and supervising tasks related to educational affairs in terms of applying regulations and quality system within the college for continuous development in education and achieving excellence in teaching and learning. 

Key Responsibilties 

  • Developing of academic programs and assessment of learning outcomes.
  • Supervising the quality of education and maintain quality and academic accreditation standards.
  • Ensuring the implementation of the executive regulations and rules of the university.
  • Supervising the academic affairs administrations and submit their progress reports.
  • Supervising the Academic Affairs committees and submit their reports, such as the Equalization, Excuses and underachieving students Committees. 

Departments and Units

Department ofEducational Affairs 

Department of Quality of Teaching and Learning 

E-Learning Unit

Office of Laboratories and Learning Resources