​​About Student‏ ‏Clubs

The college of pharmacy supports extracurricular activities and clubs to enhance and develop students' skills in these Diverse and distinctive clubs which cope with students' skills, culture, scientific and sports need.
The Student Activities Unit includes the Student Pharmacy Club and the Pharmacy Sports Club, which offer a range of different activities within an approved annual plan to motivate students' creativity and distinction.

Pharmacy Club

The Pharmacy club is a student club that seeks to engage youth energies to promote the profession of pharmacy and develop distinguished personalities. The club aims to expand the pharmacy profession concept, emphasize its importance, and increase the Health awareness in the community through the health awareness activities and scientific workshops.

Pharmacy Sports Club

It is a student club that interested in raising the level of physical competence of students by organizing various sports and entertainment competitions.
The club also aims to develop students' skills and sports hobbies, forming sports teams for various sports activities and supervising students' commitment to the exercise schedule.