
Cultures and Peoples Club


     This club seeks to promote the Arabic Language Teaching Institute for Non-Arabic Speakers in the academic community, as it includes students representing various cultures. The club also aims to spread cultural awareness and respect for diversity in the academic community, and to strengthen the bonds of communication and friendship between non-Arabic speakers and Arabic speakers in the university, by organizing training courses, workshops, dialogue sessions, and cultural meetings

         - 'Listen' Club

      This club aims to enhance students' speaking skills and public speaking in a positive learning environment. To further its pursuit of excellence, the club is affiliated with the International Toastmasters Organization.

To join the club, you must:

  • have basic speaking and public-speaking skills.

  • attend at least two meetings per month.

  • pay a six-month subscription fee of about SAR 210. 

    Dialogue Programs Club

           The club seeks to support the teaching of Arabic through enrichment activities that contribute to the engagement of non-Arabic speakers in the university community. Furthermore, the program provides students with language experience and develops real cultural and social expertise that will shape students' positive attitudes toward language, as it links it with human and moral values. To achieve its goals, students are involved in several dialogue programs.

  • - These programs are:

  • Language Exchange Program

  • Ambassador of the Dialogue of Civilizations Program

  • Peer Support Program

    - Sports Club

        The Sports Activity Unit seeks to support and develop sports at the Institute. It also promotes sports culture by supporting local, regional, and international sports participation.

      The club aims to:

  • Create an appropriate environment where students can hone their capabilities and skills in sports, share their experiences, receive support and encouragement, and celebrate their achievements.

  • Offer various sports activities that satisfy students' needs and interests, following the recent trends in sports organizations.

  • Recruit promising talent to the Institute who have outstanding skills in sports. These talented individuals are encouraged to participate in the university's activities and represent the university in competitions at local, regional, and global levels.

    To register for the Sports  club:


    Club's Location: In the Arabic Language Teaching Institute for Non-Arabic Speakers, A5 Station, Third Floor, (Room No. 3.830).​