Editorial and publishing policies:
First: Judging Procedure:
- The researcher sends the manuscript to the journal's email address [Shari'ah Sciences Research Email: info.islamic.pnu@gmail.com - Arabic Language Research info.arabic.pnu@gmail.com] Two copies of the research in pdf format, one of which is stripped of personal data, and two other copies of the research in word format, one of which is stripped of personal data.
- The researcher must fill out the journal's researcher acknowledgment form and send it with the copies of the research. Researcher Acknowledgment.docx
- The researcher writes a letter in the name of the journal's editor-in-chief to request refereeing and publishing the research.
- The researcher is notified of the arrival of his/her research.
- Sending the research through the journal's mail constitutes the researcher's acceptance of the journal's publication conditions.
- The journal's editorial board has the right to preliminarily examine the research and determine its eligibility for refereeing or reject it.
- If the research is determined to be ineligible for refereeing, the researcher will be notified of this, and the journal is not required to give a reason for the rejection.
- If the research is determined to be eligible for refereeing, the research will be sent to at least two referees.
- If the referees' reports on the research are completed, the researcher will be notified of the outcome of the arbitration.
- The researcher is obliged to make amendments within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receiving them, and he must express his views on the notes he did not take into account in a detailed report.
- If the researcher does not commit to making amendments within the specified time, the researcher will be apologized to.
- The researcher will be given (a publication acceptance statement) after the referees' comments are completed and approved by the relevant member of the editorial board.
- The editorial board of the journal has the right to prioritize the publication of research papers and arrange them technically.
- When the research is accepted for publication, the publication rights belong to the journal, and the researcher has no right to request not to publish it after sending it to the referees, and it may not be published in any other publishing outlet, paper or electronic, without written permission from the editor-in-chief of the journal, and the journal has the right to include it in local and international databases - with or without charge - without the researcher's permission.
II: Rules for publication in the journal:
- The research must be new, not previously published, and not derived from previous work.
- It must be characterized by originality, novelty, innovation and addition to knowledge.
- The topic of the research should be within the fields and specializations of the journal.
- The researcher must submit a declaration that
- The research has not been published and has not been submitted to other parties for publication, and will not be submitted to any other journal in case it is accepted for publication.
- The research does not violate the provisions of Islamic Sharia, the regulations in force, or the state's directives, policies, plans and initiatives - that calls for sedition, division, disrupting the state's security and public order, harming its public relations, or serving foreign interests that conflict with national interests - that offends human dignity and rights, or leads to stirring up strife, harming reputation and defamation.         
- The research takes into account the rules of authentic scientific research and its methodology.
- The size of the material submitted for publication should not exceed 10,000 words, including the Arabic and English abstracts, references, appendices and indexes.
- The percentage of plagiarism in the research should not exceed (20%).
- On the first page of the research, the researcher's name, scientific rank, general and specific specialization, employer (department, college, and university), and email address should be mentioned immediately after the title of the research in both Arabic and English.
- The researcher submits two abstracts: One in Arabic and the other in English, including the following elements: (a brief idea of the research topic, the most important objectives, the methodology, and the most important results and recommendations), with no more than 250 words for each abstract.
- Each abstract (Arabic/English) is followed by keywords that express the areas addressed by the research, with no less than (3) words and no more than (7) words.
- Write an introduction to the research containing (the research topic, limitations, objectives, methodology, procedures, research plan, previous studies - if any - and its scientific addition to them).
- Divide the research into sections (investigations or demands) according to an interconnected research plan.
- The research is written in a specialized scientific format, free of linguistic and grammatical errors, with scientific honesty and accuracy in documentation.
- The researcher must adhere to the documentation method announced on the journal's website.
- Writing a conclusion that includes the most important results and recommendations.
- A list of sources and references shall be attached to the research.
- The journal adopts the Publication and Documentation Guide of the University of Chicago system.
- The researcher is obliged to Romanize Arabic sources by writing their information in Latin letters in a separate list while maintaining the Arabic documentation in the list of Arabic references.
- - Page margins are (3 cm) from (top, bottom, right, and left), and line spacing is single.
- Papers in Arabic must be submitted in Traditional Arabic font in (16) non-bold size for the body and abstract, bold for headings, (13) non-bold size for footnotes, (10) non-bold size for tables and figures, and bold size for table headers and commentary.
- English research papers are submitted in Times New Roman font for the English language in size (11) non-bold for the body and abstract, bold for headings, (9) non-bold for footnotes, tables and figures, and bold for the head of tables and commentary.
- The Qur'anic verses are written in the Ottoman script in flowering brackets, relying on the program of the Qur'an of the Prophet's City, and it is sufficient to document them in the body of the research by mentioning the name of the surah and the number of the verse in square brackets like this: [Al-Baqarah: 95].
- Hadiths are documented in the footnote by mentioning the part, page, chapter, book, and number of the hadith, where possible.
- The opinions in the papers submitted to the journal express the opinions of the authors, and the authors are responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the information and conclusions.
- Priority in publication is given based on considerations such as temporal precedence and coordination necessities of the topics.
- The order in which papers are published in the journal is based on technical considerations, and no other considerations play any role in this order.
- The issue of the journal is printed on paper and published electronically on the journal's website, and the researcher has the right to obtain two copies of the issue in which his/her research was published.