​Second Issue​ (press here)​


Aerobic Bacterial Microbiota of the Upper Respiratory Tract (Oral and Nasal Cavities) in Saudi Adults​​

Shami A, Alrebdi A, Almijalli S *, Almasri R, Alsalem R

Biodiversity Research Journal 2024, 1, (2); 5-15.
A Review of the Promising Effectiveness of Insects in Waste Management​

Al-Khalaf A*, Al Obthani R O, Al Rasheedi H N, Rana Saeed Alghamdi R S

Biodiversity research journal, 2024, 1, (2); 16-34.

Effect of ultraviolet radiation on the phenotypic and molecular mutation in Aspergillus flavus​

Al-husnain L A*

Biodiversity research journal, 2024, 1, (2); 35-47.

Exploring Intestinal Parasites Among Falcons in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia​

Al-Megrin W A I*, Alsahli W, Alhazzaa A, Alotaibi R, Alotaibi D, Aldosari R

Biodiversity research journal, 2024, 1, (2); 48-56.

Prevalence of different gastrointestinal parasite horse infections in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.​

Alsahli W, Alhazzaa A, Alotaibi R, Alotaibi D, Aldosari R, Al-Megrin W A I

Biodiversity research journal, 2024, 1, (2); 57-65.