Talent Unit:

The Talent Unit is responsible for identifying high-potential employees, discovering and developing their talents, and enhancing their professional excellence and productivity. It aims to leverage such talents to boost productivity and achieve the university's objectives.

Training and Development Unit:

This unit is responsible for implementing training policies and developing staff skills and capabilities to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. It draws on diverse sources for identifying training needs based on employee performance indicators and job responsibilities, and prepares training needs plans accordingly. Additionally, the unit creates development plans for second-level leaders to prepare them for administrative positions and oversees policy and procedure development at the university.

The unit in numbers:


Performance Management Unit:

This unit is responsible for managing and developing the performance evaluation system according to the regulations of the Ministry of Civil Service and the rules governing university staff. The goal is to make the evaluation process objective, fair, and beneficial for both supervisors and subordinates. It aims to shift the focus from mere evaluation to enhancing work performance and developing employees. The unit uses a secure online system for data entry and handles complaints regarding performance evaluation results. It also refers cases of low performance to the Training and Development Unit for guidance and performance improvement.


Human Resources Planning Unit:

This unit is responsible for planning and providing human resources for the university by ensuring they meet required competency standards as outlined in job descriptions. It focuses on developing working systems and methods and ensuring adequate staffing across various university units. Additionally, the unit contributes to preparing the university's annual budget project concerning all job categories and identifies administrative positions that need to be added or adjusted through the budget.