تسجيل الدخول

سيدة مهر النساء سيد عبدالواحد

أستاذ مساعد
القسم :
التخصص العام :
ادارة موارد بشرية
التخصص الدقيق :
ادارة موارد بشرية

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

المناصب الحالية


جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
22893 تحليلات الموارد البشرية 11:00 11:50
وصف المقرر

Through this course students learn how can predictive analytics help HR personnel to make more informed decisions and how has analytics extended a new perspective to express HR activities in measurable and objective terms. They will learn the fundamentals of different HR analytics applications and the requisite skills for HR analytics managers. Through theory and hands-on exercises of analytical tools, students will use statistical approaches of how to run an analysis with different types of HR-related data through statistical models.


22928 تحليلات الموارد البشرية 09:00 09:50
وصف المقرر

Through this course students learn how can predictive analytics help HR personnel to make more informed decisions and how has analytics extended a new perspective to express HR activities in measurable and objective terms. They will learn the fundamentals of different HR analytics applications and the requisite skills for HR analytics managers. Through theory and hands-on exercises of analytical tools, students will use statistical approaches of how to run an analysis with different types of HR-related data through statistical models.


22902 تحليلات الموارد البشرية 10:00 10:50
وصف المقرر

Through this course students learn how can predictive analytics help HR personnel to make more informed decisions and how has analytics extended a new perspective to express HR activities in measurable and objective terms. They will learn the fundamentals of different HR analytics applications and the requisite skills for HR analytics managers. Through theory and hands-on exercises of analytical tools, students will use statistical approaches of how to run an analysis with different types of HR-related data through statistical models.


22847 مقدمة في الثقافة التنظيمية 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

The course organizational Culture deals with various cultural dimensions in the organization. It enables students to understand the multiple disciplines of culture, values, and beliefs in organizational context and its key issues. Through lectures, discussion, case study, group project, and presentation the students will be able to understand towards operationalization of culture pertaining to heterogeneous, societal and geographical context of culture. The students will also be able to assess the Work culture, and its values, decision making & work stress. This course will enlighten students to handle the cross-cultural challenges through intelligence by maximizing the positive impact and minimize the adverse.

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
22853 إدارة التوظيف 10:00 11:40
وصف المقرر

Staffing management course is designed to give an advanced understanding of all functions involved in staffing within an organization. This course examines the fundamental concepts and techniques for staffing and managing the workforce. It covers relevant theory and practice about the fit between human resource planning, legal compliance, job analysis, recruitment to retention strategies within particular organization. This course intends to provide an understanding of methods, processes, tools related to staffing management in order to provide linkages between staffing activities and organization’s strategic objectives. The course will give particular attention to the issues of diversity, discrimination and equity in the employment process.

22853 إدارة التوظيف 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

Staffing management course is designed to give an advanced understanding of all functions involved in staffing within an organization. This course examines the fundamental concepts and techniques for staffing and managing the workforce. It covers relevant theory and practice about the fit between human resource planning, legal compliance, job analysis, recruitment to retention strategies within particular organization. This course intends to provide an understanding of methods, processes, tools related to staffing management in order to provide linkages between staffing activities and organization’s strategic objectives. The course will give particular attention to the issues of diversity, discrimination and equity in the employment process.

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
22847 مقدمة في الثقافة التنظيمية 08:00 09:40
وصف المقرر

The course organizational Culture deals with various cultural dimensions in the organization. It enables students to understand the multiple disciplines of culture, values, and beliefs in organizational context and its key issues. Through lectures, discussion, case study, group project, and presentation the students will be able to understand towards operationalization of culture pertaining to heterogeneous, societal and geographical context of culture. The students will also be able to assess the Work culture, and its values, decision making & work stress. This course will enlighten students to handle the cross-cultural challenges through intelligence by maximizing the positive impact and minimize the adverse.