تسجيل الدخول

رزاز وهيب محمود عطار

أستاذ مساعد
القسم :
التخصص العام :
إدارة أعمال
التخصص الدقيق :
تجارة ألكترونية

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

المناصب الحالية


جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
21414 التجارة الإلكترونية 10:00 10:50
وصف المقرر

The advent of the internet and speed at which it has spread across the globe coupled with the advancement in the information technology sectors has placed the e-commerce as a major influencer in the business. Companies of all sizes are now adopting fast to e-commerce to expand their business to increase their revenue. The course is designed to provide an overview of e-commerce from the managerial and the technological perspectives. It will enable student to understand the e-commerce technology infrastructure, business model and strategy. It will introduce e-commerce frameworks, and technological foundations; and examine basic concepts such as strategic formulation for e- commerce enterprises, management of their capital structures and public policy. It will also focus on the social and security issues related to the e-commerce.

21395 التجارة الإلكترونية 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

The advent of the internet and speed at which it has spread across the globe coupled with the advancement in the information technology sectors has placed the e-commerce as a major influencer in the business. Companies of all sizes are now adopting fast to e-commerce to expand their business to increase their revenue. The course is designed to provide an overview of e-commerce from the managerial and the technological perspectives. It will enable student to understand the e-commerce technology infrastructure, business model and strategy. It will introduce e-commerce frameworks, and technological foundations; and examine basic concepts such as strategic formulation for e- commerce enterprises, management of their capital structures and public policy. It will also focus on the social and security issues related to the e-commerce.

21406 التجارة الإلكترونية 11:00 11:50
وصف المقرر

The advent of the internet and speed at which it has spread across the globe coupled with the advancement in the information technology sectors has placed the e-commerce as a major influencer in the business. Companies of all sizes are now adopting fast to e-commerce to expand their business to increase their revenue. The course is designed to provide an overview of e-commerce from the managerial and the technological perspectives. It will enable student to understand the e-commerce technology infrastructure, business model and strategy. It will introduce e-commerce frameworks, and technological foundations; and examine basic concepts such as strategic formulation for e- commerce enterprises, management of their capital structures and public policy. It will also focus on the social and security issues related to the e-commerce.