تسجيل الدخول

نائلة اقبال حمد قريشي

أستاذ مشارك
القسم :
التخصص العام :
التخصص الدقيق :

معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني :
رقم التحويلة :

نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس

المناصب الحالية


جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
22959 الإدارةالاستراتيجية 14:00 14:50
وصف المقرر

This course will integrate all functional skills that students have gained from previous courses (Economic, Accounting, Management, Finance, and Marketing) in order to examine the business organization and recommend strategic actions. This course will examine the establishment of strategic vision, mission, objectives, and strategies for an organization; it will also cover the effect of the expected changes in the environment on the selection of appropriate strategies.

20210 الإدارةالاستراتيجية 10:00 10:50
وصف المقرر

This course will integrate all functional skills that students have gained from previous courses (Economic, Accounting, Management, Finance, and Marketing) in order to examine the business organization and recommend strategic actions. This course will examine the establishment of strategic vision, mission, objectives, and strategies for an organization; it will also cover the effect of the expected changes in the environment on the selection of appropriate strategies.

21277 الإدارةالاستراتيجية 09:00 09:50
وصف المقرر

This course will integrate all functional skills that students have gained from previous courses (Economic, Accounting, Management, Finance, and Marketing) in order to examine the business organization and recommend strategic actions. This course will examine the establishment of strategic vision, mission, objectives, and strategies for an organization; it will also cover the effect of the expected changes in the environment on the selection of appropriate strategies.

20200 نظم المعلومات الادارية 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

This course will examine essential issues related to the field of Management Information Systems. It will take in depth look to the current businesses use of information technologies and systems to achieve business objectives. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the educational background of technologies that form information systems and to acquire the ability to develop and manage most suitable information system to given Business firm. It will also examine the security challenges associated with the management of information systems and students will gain understanding as to how those security challenges can be proactively addressed. This course will also provide a platform of knowledge that enables participants to evaluate the ethical problems that can arise in the use of information systems.

جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر الشعبة اسم المقرر من الساعة إلى الساعة
21371 إدارة السياحة 10:00 11:40
وصف المقرر

This course focuses on Tourism & Event management orientation and part of elective packages in the college of Business Administration. It introduces students to tourism being the world's largest industry. The Tourism course views the industry from a holistic, global business perspective, examining the management, marketing, supply, finance, and quality of tourism services. More importantly, the course overviews tourism environment with perspectives on economic and political impacts of tourism on hosting countries

21371 إدارة السياحة 13:00 13:50
وصف المقرر

This course focuses on Tourism & Event management orientation and part of elective packages in the college of Business Administration. It introduces students to tourism being the world's largest industry. The Tourism course views the industry from a holistic, global business perspective, examining the management, marketing, supply, finance, and quality of tourism services. More importantly, the course overviews tourism environment with perspectives on economic and political impacts of tourism on hosting countries